Posted by on Oct 21, 2014 | 2 comments


Thank heaven, we are FRIENDS again, my little PC and I…

Oh, boy, is mama looking sheepish. For almost a year now she has thought that her files were all screwed up on her/my computer, and so our guru came today and in about, oh, a nano-second, fixed that. They were simply not in alphabetical order…DUH, mama.  Listen to papa next time!

Papa had mentioned the same thing just recently and it was lost in the shuffle, so to speak (read: brain knowledge retention) and so now she and I are BOTH back on the computer and can find everything and think that we’re nuts when one file doesn’t match its equivalent on another screen.


That said, I am torn between running around in this beautiful but wintry garden and just sleeping under the bed because it’s COLD when the sun goes down. And in a week, we’ll have gained an hour FOR MORE SLEEPING. Is that cool or what?

I have some things I want to say in the next few days but I’m muling them over (why mule?) and I’ll get my act together tomorrow and carry on with installments. One of the things that interests me is an article that caught my interest in the NYT about transgender students at Wellesley college. Mama and I talk about this all the time, and the article is very long, so I’m just going to put a link in for it and if you are interested in this subject, you will appreciate the article.

I’m also feeling that Mr Pistorius 5-year sentence was a bit short for what he did, but now it’s over and done with and of course, he may not serve the entire five years.

To this kitty, there seems to be much under discussion lately and so many subjects to cover that I think I’ll just take a minute out here to reflect on things in my inimitable mode, so good for the grey matter: sleep yoga…


When in doubt, put your paws up!