Posted by on Dec 19, 2014 | 4 comments


Singing helps!

I would love it if the world were more full of joy and less pain and stress in so many places, but since I am a kitty, I can really do very little about it. Mama has a friend who tells her all the time, “If you can’t do something about a difficulty, then leave it and try to do something that you CAN do about another problem.”

Well, for mama that is pretty tough because she thinks there are solutions to almost everything if you can just puzzle them out. But I know that is not realistic and I try to get her to let go of things and take a deep breath and look at what can rationally be fixed or not fixed (sorry to use that word but…).

We don’t use the word “fix” around here.

So all of you good friends out there, try to be joyful with your kitties and doggies and friends and family and think positive about these holidays that can so easily wear out your patience. Just a little walk through our sparkling lit-up city can lift one’s spirits enormously, and we had a very nice little dinner last night with friends and mama gave me ONE crumb of the chocolate Capri cake, so that was uplifting.


Exercise helps, too. Get those ENDORPHINS jumpin’!!!

In fact, just eat more chocolate! It’s a great lifter-upper for down-in-the-dumps-days, and although I am allowed only a smidgeon of it every now and then, I do a little kitty dance after having eaten my morsel.


One day mama will catch it on a video and you’ll see what I mean but I’m a bit camera-shy, haha.

So let’s get our spirits up or, mama says, pour a little in a glass and see what that does…