Posted by on Jul 25, 2014 | 2 comments


Boy, howdy, last night was a humdinger!!! Mama says that the mama turtle is banging on her drums to bring in the babies from the rain (or at least that’s what HER mama told her when she was young and gullible…haha) and that’s what makes those boom-boom sounds in the night sometimes around here.

Well, last night, that drum started about 4am and mama woke up at 5am and didn’t see me on the bed, as usual and that’s because I was UNDER the bed, which is where I always go when that boom-boom starts up. But along with the booms, there were fireworks in the sky and the whole room was lit up by the lightning storm, and mama was awakened and went up to an upper deck that we have and looked out over the vineyards to see the show. Huge streaks of lightning and grand rolls of drums went on until this morning when I finally came out from my safe place and checked to make sure we were still in one piece.

At the same time, this morning, mama did some lightening of her own….


She’s a bit put out with hairdressers who leave stuff on too long and don’t listen and just do what they want and mess up your coat so that you have to grow it out and pamper it to get it back into shape so she put some sunlight in her own hair and it turned out pretty well. Maybe she’ll do a little mesh for me next time…maybe cover my grey, about which I am NOT happy, being a kitty of only three years old but my black is going GREY!!! Well, not entirely, there’s still some exotic ebony on my back, but I think I’m going grey because of lightning stress, haha.

Going grey from lightning—get it? Haha.


There are lots of way to cover the grey…

Let’s hope this weather is over when the kids get here…When you come from England, you don’t want to find RAIN!!!