Posted by on Oct 2, 2014 | 4 comments


HUSH PUPPIES!  Have you ever…? And what a funny name!

So…WITHOUT ME, mama and papa have gone to a restaurant called Perla, where everything on the menus is manna from heaven for KITTIES!!!  Also for anthros, meaning things such as hush puppies (beignets made with corn meal) and clam chowder!

Seared octopus with roasted chili sauce, crunchy crab cakes with arugula, ceviche of Gulf shrimp and sea bass with avocado and lime, and oh, I almost forgot–they started with TWELVE oysters from California and British Columbia, three different ones that were, mama says, like butter from the sea.

Well, thanks a lot, anthros!


Kumamoto oysters.  My favorites!

I won’t hold it against you that you have completely forgotten that KITTIES LOVE FISH AND SHELLFISH!!!

It occurs to me that you just might wish to send me a–pardon the expression–DOGGY bag, filled with leftover pan-fried scallops or steamed jumbo Gulf shrimp with tartar sauce, or maybe even a little taste of that Texas specialty, fried CATFISH, but do you think I’m going to the door to open it for the UPS man?  NO WAY, Jose.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, will redeem you for this abandonment.

I’ll just loll here, eating my poor little dish of kitty food and nibbling at my (tiny) portion of kibble (still on little diet), but I’ll survive…

Meanwhile, I have just discovered the catalogue in mama’s magazine bin for PICARD, and I’m about to have some real fun with food, baby–just watch me.

They deliver!  Heh, heh, heh,…

Now, should I get the sea scallops in cream and butter or the filets of line-caught salmon to saute’ in a bit of olive oil with lemon?  Hmmmm….


Hey, kitty-sitter, could you turn to the page with scallops, please?  Then it’s your turn to pick…