Hey, the bod’s warm, but I should cover my EARS! Well, Noises Off was a play on Broadway, years ago, mama says, so I just ‘borrowed’ the title, haha. But it fits for what happens around here on Sundays. And out of necessity, I am comfortably ensconced in my poofy (duvet) to drown out the NOISE...
Read MoreSwap Meat
I get a lot done when THEY are away… Well, mama gave up her vegetable preference today to help papa with a nice little piece of cow at a remote rustic restaurant on the site of a ruined abbey, Sant Quirze de Colera, in Spain. This delightful ballade (day trip) was planned by papa to celebrate...
Read MoreDance of the Hours
JUST WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE? Well, mama has just informed me that we are about to lose an hour in our otherwise normal days. WHAT EXACTLY DOES SHE MEAN, lose an hour? How can you lose something that doesn’t really exist except on clocks and watches and kitchen ovens? Mama says that when I wake up on Sunday...
Read MoreFood Flight
(Papa’s trying to make up with me because they were LATE getting home tonight…) Well, I expected mama to help me do my blog tonight, about the fact that it’s Love Your Kitty Day or something like that, but oh, no, no help from HER or papa, as they were out until very late eating little dishes of...
Read MoreSalad Days
Well, when mama makes a whole lot of something for dinner and then finds out she doesn’t need it that night, she turns it into something else. In this case, mama made a fairly large amount of Thai rice, which is really fine all by itself with a little butter and salt (even I know that), but...
Read MoreSpring Has Sprung
It is my habit to hug mama in the morning when she awakens…(wanting my breakfast helps, haha). Well, today is National Hug Day. Don’t believe a word I say, I just made that up. I just wanted today to BE that and so here’s a sweet site to give you a smile. I don’t know why I am such a...
Read MoreSpring Cleaning
Oops. Can’t help mama. It’s lizard time for me. Well, today mama was in the garden, tidying up for the onset of spring and good weather and seedlings popping up and roses that might bloom before Bunny Day (whatever that is) and harvesting a gazillion broad beans that seemed to fill out all at once, from one day to the next! ...
Read MoreSoothing the Savage Beasts
How about that cockatoo? Well, thanks to mama’s niece and her partner, who sent mama’s sis-in-law this in an email, this blog is dedicated to a charming and lovely video about animals reacting to music! Mama was enchanted and I think you may be, too! Not sure about all the cattle coming at...
Read MoreLemon Appeal
You want me to help pick lemons? Can’t you see I’m BATHING? Well, yesterday mama and her helper (not me, haha) picked about a gazillion lemons from our tree, because the little flowers are appearing and they need all the nourishment for the next lemon growth, so we take away the big daddies....
Read MoreDeep Thoughts
Week-end prep… Well, it’s the old TGIF, whatever that means, but I think it means to kick back a bit and just put your paws up and relax with no appointments, no demands, no errands you have to run, just utter, spaced-out BEING here. So that’s what I’m doing. Except for the fact that...
Read MoreLion Around (A Special Blog)
WOW, what a great adventure! Well, today we have a special treat. A response from a reader, Militza (Mitzi) Bunce van Rooyen, in South Africa inspired me to ask her to tell us about her experiences with animals, as there are so many where she lives. This is her lovely story about her father: The Lion Park The best thing about the lion park...
Read MoreHaving A Ball
Well, mama is still trying to get me to exercise more often but do I look like a kitty who is going to play ball? Ha, ha, no way, Jose. And how about this full moon that sneaked up on us? Wasn’t it full just a few days ago? Is the world wacko? I’m pondering all these things as I...
Read MoreKnee Knowledge
First you roll a bit on your back, thus bringing lovely mulch into the house to share with mama and papa. Especially if they are wearing black. Well, I’m sure everyone is fascinated by this but mama’s right knee is good as gold again thanks to Dr Khelif who is very handy with a needle for this...
Read MoreRhino Remembrances
Dreaming of Krueger… Well, today I share with you a little love story. My dear auntie Lynne was working some years ago in Honolulu with a group studying animal communications, and received a coup de foudre! Later, she called a friend, exclaiming over her new love’s...
Read MorePawn Power!
That kid did WHAT? Well, today I’m sharing with you the sweetest story of a young immigrant, Tani, and his family who came to the USA to escape Bokul Haren atrocities in Nigeria. This eight-year-old will make you teary with happiness. At least it made US teary! Mama says that there are so many of...
Read MoreSpringing Forward Soon…
Well, here’s the thing. We’re very quiet around here today as mama and papa are quietly contemplating the loss of a dear friend and hoping for the approach of spring, that it’s really here and not just fooling us all. This is the anniversary, after all, of the day in March that 80...
Read MoreCleaning Up
Well, today I wish to share with you my attitude toward bathing with the utmost care and concern for the meticulous kitty toilette that ALL of us must experience daily First: lift foot toward cleaning apparatus, ie la langue. ...
Read MorePlaying Chicken
This is my sleeping chicken pose. Have you ever seen a chicken sleep? Well, it’s like this. So, today we visit our fine feathered friends, sort of. But after you have seen the first talented musical Rhode Island Red pianist, SKIP for sure the following clown act and go DIRECTLY to the third contestants...
Cookies on this Site
Well, that was a stretch, right, that cookie title, but mama went bonkers today trying to replenish all the cookies she has been taking to art classes and offering to a language class she and papa go to each week, and in her family, an empty cookie tin was like an empty kibble bowl! So papa...
Read MoreTender Touches
Well, today I am sharing my unflagging affinity for snuggles and caresses. Oh, papa, the touch of your hand makes me weak! (Papa is wrapped around my little…er…finger. He walks by, I stretch out to him with my paws, show my tummy, and he is butter, melting with luv...) And a rub on the jaws from papa...
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