Well, today is BRIGHT SUN and so beautiful, but you just can’t imagine how crazy this weather is from one day to the next. And everyone here says that May Day is when the weather changes. Hmmm….changes into WHAT? Into something tangible? Into seasonal clothes, haha? And how does the weather know what DATE is...
Read MoreDressed To Chill
Well, I don’t really have a lot to DO here without my garden-stalking and helping mama fertilize, haha, so I’m going to take it easy while I’m in Roma and kick back a bit… No mice to catch, and playing with the seagulls outside…well…they are BIG, so I stay away from the window as they taunt me with their...
Read MoreSleep Yoga
Yoga Expert Well, mama has a friend who used to say, when seen conked out on the couch, “Oh, I’m doing my sleep yoga—don’t bother me. HAH, that’s what I do all day long sometimes, especially when I don’t have a GARDEN in which to roam or warm stepping stones on...
Read MoreHummer Bummer
Well, our sweet neighbors up the street (in France) brought a carved hummingbird back from Cuba and gave it to mama and papa and mama hung it right over where I lounge in the evenings and that is what I am looking at! It looks as if it is flying, but how can a bird fly in ONE spot? This one...
Read MoreLanded Gently
Sacked out at last! Well, I should get a medal for THIS trip! Not only was I a PERFECT traveler (even though the toilette thing was a bit if-fy, but frankly, I think we kitties can hold out for hours and hours if need be). So here I am, happy as a kitty in litter, taking charge of MY apartment and putting things in...
Read MoreI Sea, You Sea, We Sea
My new soft home…and nip friends. Oh, when will this be over? Actually, I have been very well-behaved on the ship, compared to the last times, but am I going to hear about it? HAH. Frankly, j’ai faim! Hungry! But I know the drill…No vittles...
Read MoreBoating Well
Maybe if I just keep my paw right here, THEY can’t drug me! Well, I think THEY are about to rub those drops between my ears, uh, oh. Maybe I could put a little scarf over my head and foil the plan! Not sure I put this thing on correctly…and I’M FRENCH! Then again, not to be scared out of my skin...
Read MoreKnee Jerk
(You mean I have to leave MY bed?) No, no, not the nice doctor who FIXED mama. Mama’s knee jerk! (I wish she would not use that word around me, really–so rude!) BUT mama did call her doc and he was not in so she went to his partner next door and had, literally, about 24 cl of fluid taken out of her...
Read MoreEasterino
That Egg Day wore me out! Well, I don’t know the name in English for the day after Easter but here in France, it is a holiday and in Italy it is Pasquetta and you may read all about it on the link. Here we want to observe this day but the mood is bleak–rain and grey skies and mama can’t plant her...
Read MoreBunny Botch
Well, a Happy Easter and a joyful Passover to everyone and no tummy aches after having eaten all that chocolate, haha. Mama insisted I put in the photo above but frankly, I think she should not give up her day job…. Maybe draw on the iPad, mama, because you clearly have NOT...
Read MoreEggs-cited!
WHAT’S THAT YOU SAY, MAMA? Well, mama tells me that a RABBIT, of all things, is going to come around tomorrow and lay colored eggs in our garden. MAMA, what have you been smokin’? Okay, I know, mama, I know, you don’t smoke but when I get a tall tale like that one, I have to wonder what your imagination is doing. Are you...
I can’t believe mama was so dumb. Well, mama is feeling like a dodo. She just put my blog APP on her iPHONE!!! Duh. That means that IF it’s on her iPhone now (OUR IPhone, that is), mama will be able to snap pics out in the world and put them immediately into my blog! YAY! So has she just been asleep at the switch or what? Don’t answer...
Read MoreThe Morning Mews
WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING? Well, I happen to know what I’m doing. I think. Uncertain… But THEY who do not speak kitty (except when THEY want me to get in my new carrying apartment in which case they speak TREATS really well!) would love to have an opinion or two on just what it is I am saying every...
Read MoreSemana Santa
(I think there might be something on the tele about Holy Week…) No, no, not THAT Santa, but the week of holiness here and in Spain and other countries that is celebrated before Easter, during which there are processions and floats and hooded penitents and so much more. Because it’s just around the...
Read MoreCope With Hope
Loulou, things will get better, you’ll see… Well, there were many pieces of art saved by a long line of hand over hand helpers, and the stone structure is still intact, sigh. A good friend has mentioned to us that overhead fire-fighting planes were not used because of the risk of collapsing the...
Oh, sadness. For the magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral , burning and burning and burning… Why was it so hard to contain? Why weren’t there more firefighters in that huge city? Did they have planes with water as are used over forest fires? Unimaginable, the loss of priceless history and art and...
Happy birthday to youuuuu, happy birthday to youuuuu, happy BIRTHDAY, dear papa, happy birthday to youuuuu….(and many more!) Well, it’s a BIG day today!!! It’s papa’s birthday and mama made a moelleux au chocolat that made me a little crazy when it was baking but I did manage to lick a...
MERCI -Thank You
You are so kind! Thanks to all of you who suggested ways to handle the photos>Wordpress problem. I still do not have the final answer, but maybe the Cloud is the answer. We don’t put many things in the Cloud because sometimes clouds rain or disappear or decide to move to another place or separate into...
Read MoreBird Watching
Well, with emphasis on “watching“, haha. And watching… …and more watching… Kkkkkkkk…kkkkkkkkkk (I’m supposed to make that sound when...
Read MorePicture Puzzles
Baffled and beat! Dear Tech Smarties, Once again, I am TRYING to get mama to help me get photos from my IPhone into this blog! I have looked on Google and found so much confusion that this kitty simply cannot process the info easily. Mama is NO help at all. Okay, okay maybe she takes some pretty nice pics of me...
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