Well, today, I’m not posting any energetic pics or saying much of anything scintillating really. Just lying here and grooving as one might on a hot summer morn, but I’ll be back en forme soon. I think I still have just a tad of wiped out, whatever that is! My ears are still tailwarm,...
Read MoreHanging Out
Bet you can’t find me easily, haha. I’m incognito, whatever that means. Well, I feel so normal that I thought I might just lounge around today in this hot, hot weather and maybe gaze at the action next door. It’s hard to find me sometimes when I’m hanging out in my...
Read MoreAppetite For Life
Were you really worried, mama and papa? Me, too… Well, I can say, without a doubt, that I am better. Mama says that if I am eating the way I ate today, all is well. Thank you again, dear readers/friends for your concern. Mama and papa were really, really worried about this bout of whatever it was...
Read MoreOut of the Woods?
Are these woods? Hmm…don’t think so. First of all, what are these woods they talk about and what do they mean that I am not out of them yet? Where are they anyway? We don’t have any woods near us, only sea and hills and low-growing wild thyme and such…the woods are pretty far away. Still, I’d like to be out of them, I...
Read MoreSkinny Minnie
Hey, just call me ‘Twiggy”… Well, one good thing that came out of this is that I am so, so skinny and svelte that I could probably model for Mr. Lagerfeld’s creations if he hadn’t already groomed his own kitty to do that part of their life! Still, being sick...
Read MoreHead’s Up!
Well, at least that part of my body is. The rest of me is sort of feeling the waters…er…tentatively trying to follow my head. Speaking of waters, I need a drink. Last night my good friend down the street came over and did her magic, talked softly, and I perked...
Read MorePunk Rocker
Well, I’m still feeling a little punk. And not like rocking at all! And my ears are hot, mama says. She took my temperature (he understands who understands!) with papa’s help but mama wasn’t very good at it (if you get my drift). Still, it was 40.5, not so great, and that was when the...
Read MoreVonderful Vet
Papa and I are back to fairly normal, together! Well, sort of…anthros are never quite normal, haha. Well, the gazpacho recipe will have to be a later blog because on the same day that papa went to a clinic to get his back fixed, I came down with heaven knows what and a fever and loss of lunch (!) and a...
Read MoreSoup’s On
Basil is nice in almost anything! Mama, is that yogurt coming my way? Well, I haven’t posted one of mama’s recipes lately and I thought, because of the hot weather, you might like to try this really easy cold soup that...
Read MorePipette Plan…
Hmm…maybe papa is the pipette-putter today… Well, today’s the day I get my pipette (liquid treatment in a little plastic holder) that is anti-flea, tick, and whatever else it is “anti” for. I always feel a little wee-wah, to use a technical term, after mama puts the three little drops...
Read MoreAnd The Heat Goes On
Maybe this nice cool leaf cover is better than a bed! Hey, is this getting boring or WHAT? All I can manage is a looooong snooze on a cool chair or bed or anywhere I can find that will take me, haha. Mama loves this heat – I think it’s her Texan childhood, but she’s out there planting portulaca, whatever that is, in her jardinieres...
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