Well, it seems that all of mama’s plants, which have been here for some time, but were, let us say, teen-agers, have had a growth spurt at the end of this hot and heady summer and become adults! I check out things daily, making sure the arugula (whatever that is) doesn’t take over and the oregano...
Read MoreBed Rock
Well, I’m sure you see clearly whose bed this is. Mine. Papa THINKS he will sleep on this side, but he has another think coming. Things have changed around here. I was looking for a bed, I needed a bed, and voila, I found a bed and it is MINE! ...
Read MoreMews News
Well, I started thinking that I had better catch up on what’s happening in politics, seeing as how the time is drawing nigh (wherever that is) to have elections everywhere. I started checking out the Italian paper…(see above). Then I consulted my iPad and computer news, and I even went to our...
Read MoreKick Off
Well, it’s that season again…you know, when those anthros throw pigskins around (ugh…) and run up and down a field and then yell and yell and then eat on the backs of their cars. Whatever all this means. But I have my own kick-offs (read: rabbit) right here at home. First I find something to...
Read MoreTaking A Dive
(Oh, lordy, am I really going to jump off this board?) Well, you know what taking a dive can mean…a fake fall-down in sports (yellow card for that!) or those incredible guys jumping off of 200-foot cliffs into seas in faraway places, or simply a swim-meet or an Olympic diving...
Read MoreHeal!
No, no not as in doggy training! Just the opposite. My aunty Lynne has healing hands and when she visits, she touches me in just the right places, so that yesterday when I was, uh, sparring with the weather, she came over and started caressing me in her Lynnelike way and voila, I was...
Read MoreWhither The Weather
(I think I had a headache from all that dirt beef…) Well, today, I was a bit under the weather. But wait a minute, does anyone ever get OVER the weather? Mama looked everywhere for me in the house but if she had just looked under the weather, she would have found me immediately. Those...
Read MoreGround Beef
(I’m washin’ up for this dirt dinner!) Well, mama took me aside a few minutes ago and said, “Loulou, tonight you’re going to have a rare treat (so to speak) – a little taste of papa’s hamburger and it’s made with fresh ground beef.” GROUND BEEF? Does that mean mama...
Read MoreHigh and Dry
Well, sort of. Maybe high more than dry… A bit too much nip sneaked up on me this morning, haha, but our garden has dried out from the rain so that I can now roll in the gravel again. Hey, maybe that’s a song…Rollin’ in the gravel again…out where a friend is a friend la la la…...
Wet Behind The Ears
(DID YOU SEE THOSE WAVES?) Yep, that’s what I am. And not just behind the ears… Because even though it has POURED all night and the garden is sopping wet, whatever that means, I think I am a little crazy today because I went OUT IN IT! Hey, we all make mistakes, right? Maybe mama will make...
Read MoreThink Tank
Well, does this ever happen to you? You’re lying around happily, relaxed, spacing out, and a GREAT idea comes to you as a subject for your blog that day, and you think about it and congratulate yourself on your innate, mind-blowing wisdom that thought up such an INCREDIBLE idea and...
Read MoreYo Ho Ho
IS THIS A PIRATE LOOK OR WHAT? So–yo, ho, ho and supposedly, a bottle of rum, whatever that is. I think it’s what mama added to the margarita mix in our freezer when she ran out of tequila, haha. Now we have Margarjitos or Mojaritas but whatever it is, it seems to work well if you put 2 tablespoons of...
Read MorePuddle Jumper
Well, today I was minding my own business in the garden on the terrace and I actually CAUGHT a SUN PUDDLE! But now, what do I DO with it? I’m lying on it with all my weight to keep it in its place! You never know what those sun puddles are up to, right? Well, I gave up when it disappeared right from...
Read MoreHot Dogs
Yes, we’re doing some doggies today. You have a problem with that, mama? Well, every now and then, especially after a doggy visits our (read: MY) home, I feel sort of obligated to bring your attention to some of the darling doggies (mama’s words) that mama meets on her walks through our ville. Or...
Read MoreBulletin Bored…
(Maybe I’ll take cooking lessons…) So there are these cork thingies all over our little town, on which notices are pinned that offer all kinds of activities and art expos and courses that a kitty could ever hope to find, except THIS kitty is perfectly happy snoozing in the sun (while it lasts) and...
Read MoreBeauty And The Beast
Well I was thinking on this tranquil, peaceful Sunday that I could write about other things on this blog having to do with politics or religion or differences of opinion or troubles with our beloved country – all sorts of things like that but instead I just feel more comfortable talking...
Read MoreThe Tomato Thief
Well, maybe some of you know of the wonderful Italian writer who died recently, Camilleri, who gave us funny, charming and often poignant novels set in a little made-up village in Sicily, Vigata. One of his best books was The Snack Thief, so I borrowed his title for that BAAAAAD doggy, Mya,...
Read MoreBack Story
Hey, i need some help here! So here’s the thing. For a couple of nights now mama has been otherwise occupied with papa’s recovery, taking pics of his wound, following the healing, checking on the progress, and I have felt a bit left out in the cold. BUT then I realized that of...
Read MoreChoose Snooze!
Mama, your eyes are closing! Wha…? Well, I really needed help with my blog this evening, but my daily advisor copped…er…sacked out really early, muttering something about not enough hours in the day, muscles-ache from a Pilates start-up after a two-week break, friends and their...
Read MoreToy Ploy
So many toys, so little time, haha. Do you ever do this with your family member: You sit right in the middle of your toys and someone tries to pick one up and play with you by dangling it in front of your cute little pink nose and all you do is look bored and wish they would go play with their...
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