Happy Pumpkin Night and lots of spooky moments together. (Together is safer…) You may be wondering why I am going trick or treating as a pig. Just think about...
Read MoreGetting A Head
I paws on mama’s head with great affection, haha. Well, sometimes when we are all watching TV, I just get this uncontrollable urge to pat mama’s head and leave my paw there for several hours. That was not I, mama! Not sure my wish is...
Read MoreFire–AWAY!
I wish there were something I could do to stop these fires… Oh, that we could get them to leave! Mama’s and papa’s sister-in-law and her partner live in Sonoma, and lately they are constantly on the edge of having to move out to avoid fire or smoke from the the big fire raging near them. And...
Read MoreAfter Midnight…
Hey, there, readers. Mama had a party last night and she is getting up at 6am and I really have to help her get to sleep so it’s Short Blog Night here… Thanks for understanding. And there was this guy who kept meowing at me and frankly, I really don’t get these anthros. But, I’m off...
Read MoreSpoiled Rotten
Well, that’s me, for sure…but I’m not at all sure about the rotten part. What do you think? Well, maybe not...
Read MoreBanana Manna
Well, I know they are popular with monkeys, haha, but oh, boy, do we LOVE our ‘nanas or what? Mama just gave me a new one for the trip next week so that I’ll have a “friend” to make me feel secure in my “apartment” (read: a polite word for travel cage!). Hah, good luck with...
Read MorePaws To Look Around…
Maybe I’ll start with these. Well, I know I have tried to keep certain subjects out of my blogs, but this morning mama read me the disturbing news that college students will find it more difficult to vote in the coming elections because of purposely changed requirements by some states. I was pretty upset....
Read MoreFact Checking
Zzzzzzz Is it really a true fact that kitties spend most of their lives snoozing away? Mama followed me around today when she came back from having her eyeballs polished and her teeth prescription checked or…I think I got that backwards but…so she followed me around and recorded my active,...
Read MoreGone And Forgotten!
Peace at last… Well, these two have taken off in a thunderstorm to do something or other with their fangs and eyeballs…I hope it’s cleaning and polishing the one and checking the prescription of the other, not the other way around, haha. Although I guess if I cleaned and polished my eyeballs,...
Read MoreChimney Sweet
WHAT IS GOING ON DOWN THERE? Well, once again I was awakened from my post-petit-dejeuner dream state on papa’s side of MY comfortable bed by a LOUD vacuum-cleaner thingy that seemed to be sucking up the whole house but which turned out to be the ramonage of our fireplace…the yearly chimney cleaning so...
Read MoreWet Behind…
…er, the ears. “Don’t know WHYYYYY, there’s no sun up in the sky, soggy weather….”la la la la la la la la…. Well, it has been dribbling..er..drizzling all day long and it’s COLD and that funny arbusier tree is dropping even more flowers than before and you...
Sunday In The Park With Loulou
I like being ALONE on my quiet, meditative Sunday… Well, let’s be honest, it’s not a park, it’s a garden and now I’m having to share my quiet time, my stalking time, my curiosity about Sarah, the neighbor’s JR (Jack Russell) and I’m not sure I want to SHARE! I can see her from here being silly. ...
Scratch That
(A little to the left, papa…) Well, as I have mentioned way too many times, mama and papa find it impossible to keep their hands off of me, whether I am TRYING to snooze or meditate or just DAYDREAM, for heaven’s sake! They sneak up on me and before I know it, I am being snuggled and scratched and...
Read MoreSweet Talkin’
What’s that you called me, mama? Well, mama and I were discussing how many foods are used in terms of endearment (whatever that is) and I came up with one because a French kitty came into my garden and meowed, “Ah, bonsoir, mon petit chou!” Just yesterday in fact. And I...
Read MoreFirst Impressions
Wouldn’t look so good on cushions… Well, mama took a photo of what I did to some wet cement on the sidewalk that goes along the sea here in our little ville but since she can’t seem to get her IPhone to send it to her email, just let me confess that it was not I who made...
Read MoreCharmed, I’m Sure
First I get comfortable… Well, I just have to share two things with you today: 1. There will be spaces between my words that are OUT OF MY CONTROL, thank you, Mr. Keyboard on my Mac Pro!!! Lots of complaints about this glitch and Apple is actually replacing computers with the problem, but mama...
Read MoreSwept Off My Paws
Innocently minding my own business, as you can see! Well, we have this tree, called a Strawberry Tree in English, but called an arbousier in French. It is quite lovely and shades our outdoor table and hides us from the neighbors, but, BUT… In flowering season, it drops millions and millions of tiny little...
Read MoreDr Strangemulch
Mama, do NOT make me collect bat guano, okay? Or How Mama Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love Bat Guano! YES, bat poo! (With apologies to Stanley Kubrick and George C. Scott) I couldn’t believe it on that fateful day that mama FINALLY planted her broad, fave, feve beans but there she was with a little...
Read MoreFast On The Draw
Mama, are you coming up here or WHAT? Well, mama is always wondering lately why I have breakfast, wander around a bit outside (he understands who understands) and then start talking a blue streak as I head for the upstairs. Myow, myow, myow………….. What is Loulou saying, she asks papa, and...
Read MoreBroad Bean Boogie
Well, mama is in here helping me get this blog out and in a few hours the sun will be gone and the MOON WILL BE FULL!!! HORREUR! You MUST get your beans in before the full moon sends all its powers down to your garden and admonishes the planter (hey, mama, not me!) for not planting while Mr Moon started to wax. Wait a minute, why does the moon wax?...
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