Surveying my Queendom. WOW, some doggies have all the fun! It’s funny, isn’t it, we kitties wouldn’t even consider joining in the race, but of course, observing is our gig…our metier, let us say. Frankly, I love watching anthros doing all the nutty things they do,...
Read MoreGive the Big Lady a Little Hand
Papa’s version of Kismet song: Take my hand, I’m no good with a pair of dice…la la la I love to put my paw in mama’s paw. I love to hold mama’s paw while she is giving me Swedish massage for my legs. Holding hands is so calming, n’est-ce paw? ...
Toypsy Turvy
So many toys. So little time. (…before knocked out on ‘nanas...) ...
Read MoreWriggly Rest
You know, getting into position to zonk out is not the easiest activity in the world! Heaven knows I try, but sometimes it’s just too complicated and my little body doesn’t seem to know where it wants to settle. Does...
Read MoreToo Mulch, Too Soon
Roll ’em, roll ’em, roll ’em… Well, I thought I would share with you my FAVORITE place to be me, to really be myself, no frills, to express my inner Loulou to the fullest. ...
Read MoreMoto Moods
WOW, those guys are brave! Or nuts… Well, I was calmly watching the Moto GP, even if Valentino is out of the running because he’s sort of old now and the young turks are taking over, but there I was, fascinated by those curves where the riders’ whole sides of their bodies are...
WE FORGOT! But now we remember… Well, we should have posted this yesterday but here’s our Earth Day tribute from our garden. A magnificent golden sunny butterfly, uh, the color of, butter! Keep our earth healthy and plant sage, which bees and flutterbys alike LIKE! ...
Read MorePuffy Playfuls
Want to play? What do you think, little cloud? Well, this cloud thing is great fun, and mama and papa name the clouds they see from the car when we are on trips (Aside: ARRRRRGH! Read: my least favorite activity in the WORLD!). This one above, for example is a Puffed...
Read MoreSpaced Out
Well, papa is always showing me very interesting things on his IPad, like the pink surface of Mars or a lovely photo from The Cloud Appreciation Society, which sends daily photos to papa from anthros around the world who love clouds. Today’s cloud was particularly beautiful, but papa says...
Read MoreNo Bones About It
Oh, no, not Mya’s maman, too! Well, now we’re sending good thoughts to Mya’s mama who fell on her arm about the same time as mama’s stepdaughter. Maybe it was a falling-on-your-arm day everywhere! Mama fell flat on her face once in Hawaii, 30 years ago, running, and a...
Read MoreA Noble Nobel
Well, mama has been reading Schroedinger, The Wonder Cat to me, by Aaron Rosen, and this is an unsolicited review by both of us, since while she read it, she rubbed my head and ears continually and now that may be OVER, so I had a few comments about this book myself! Charming, touching,...
Read More#kittytoo
Hey, two can play this game…...
Read MoreAfter The Fall
She fell just like this – on her left elbow, bammo! Well, I’m talking about a real one, a fall, that is. Papa’s daughter fell yesterday at the end of a run in London, where she lives, and now has a steel rod in her arm! ARGGGGH. What a day! Mostly scary, especially for her, but we are...
Read MoreTumble Try
All week long I have dreamed of being in the Cirque du Soleil. Maybe best not to give up my day job? ...
Read MorePose Poem
A black and white kitty Is sitting so pretty And posing for mom Now do I get a nom? Maybe if I wrote prose Since it rhymes with “pose.” Loulou Dunaway April 16,...
Read MoreDeja Vous, Papa
HAH, I wasn’t born yesterday. I see what’s about to happen… Well, it’s you again, papa, you who woke me up from a sound sleep only two days ago and wanted to SNUGGLE. You can’t trust anyone anymore. And, I get it, now you’re making up for interrupting me with...
Read MoreBon Anniversaire, Papa
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,
happy BIRTHDAY, dear papa, happy birthday to you !
Now for...
Girl, Interrupted
Snooze, snooze, snooze, zzzzzz………… …zzzzzzzzzzz, uh, oh…….uh, oh…………….. Why do you two always wake me up just to SNUGGLE? ...
Read MoreObject Lesson
Well, I’m just curious. Do you have a lot of thingies around your house that look like you, or sort of look like you, or someone thought looked like you and gave it to you as a sweet gift and so your mama keeps it out all the time to SHOW you? Like that cute kitty-thing in the pic? What...
Read MoreDoggone It!
Well, I am remiss. Yesterday was National Hug Your Dog Day and guess who read about it, thought about it and then, forgot it! One guess. SO today I sending virtual hugs to doggies everywhere with the wish that they be hugged forever by kind and loving anthros who will visit shelters and find...
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