The birdie is back with family? YAY! Well, in just a little while, now, the swallow family will take off and go wherever they go. Around here they eat the insects that gather in crowds in summer and one can see the swallows swooping and diving through the throngs of bugs, having nice little aperos before...
Read MoreHirondelle Heroine
Well, our sweet neighbor, Anne-Marie, saw that a tiny birdy had fallen out of the nest that the hirondelles (swallows) make every year in her eaves, and she saw it was shivering and so put it in a little box with a towel. Aunty Lynne, who is her neighbor, (Anne-Marie’s, but also the swallow’s) says that she even put a little hot water...
Read MoreYackety Yak
Well, I asked if I could stay here on the comforter/duvet just a little while longer before THEY throw me off (cruelly, forcibly, and with malice thought about ahead of time) to make the bed. I asked nicely, I smiled, I was my usual persuasive self. ...
Read MoreBanana Split
The innocent, unsuspecting Loulou (that’s me) calmly relaxes with her ‘nana, bothering no one, keeping to herself, snuggling into her nip nap, overhearing at the same time that THEY think it might be too much of a good thing, and maybe should be removed for a short while, AND OUT OF THE...
Read MoreLion Queen
GRRRRR….. Behold, the Great Black and White hunter, eyeing her fearsome prey (…er…string) with a ferocious set of fangs that can tear any marauding enemy limb from limb (with the exception of tree-dwellers) at the slightest slight to her queenliness, in the misty mist or the dusky dusk, she fears...
Read MoreWhat’s Up?
WOW! (Heh, heh, bet you wish you could see this, too!) Well, I have been looking up at something for about 10 minutes, which, for kitties, seems about 2 hours, and I have been told by mama that kitties often just stare into what looks like space, but that they are actually watching something...
Read MoreDouble Trouble
Oh, boy, I published twice…the same blog, with alterations! Duh… I need a rest! Hope your Sunday is more organized than...
Read MoreSable Sweep
Well, I brushed my IPad keys with a sable brush and am waiting to see if that worked and maybe I won’t get spaces or double letters or anything like that as I write. Our guru on our street said to use a soft brush and brush around all the keys and guess what? MY KEYBOARD IS NOT ACTING UP…I
Read MoreFink Out Friday
Tuckered, whatever that is… Well, it may have been the stress of wondering where Sawyer had gone, but for some reason, we around here are just worn out…I mean really totally tuckered! BUT, with the relief of having good news about his return and wanting to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my aunty Lynne and...
WELCOME BACK, SAWYER! Hello, Sawyer! I hope you’ll tell us about your adventures. Some kitties have all the fun… I’m walled in by a high fence covered with flowers and hedge and couldn’t possibly go out and see the world…darn. But oh, are we and so many others...
A Puzzlement
Well, mama says she is older by a day, thanks to yesterday, but hey, doesn’t that happen EVERYDAY? I mean, aren’t I older than yesterday by one day? Anthros are weird… And mama, you are funny. But, I for one, am glad you’re around and hope you’re around for LOTS more years. Love from...
Read MoreWherefore Art Thou?
Curiouser and curioser (whatever that means)… You know, mama is real dense sometimes, not to say vague about some information, and she (and I, too) have forgotten just which part of the world you wonderful blogger friends live. For example, I know that one of you lives in the Pacifc Northwest and another...
Read MoreThe Fine Art of Paw Placement
Hey, it takes time to find the right spot, okay? Well, I have always put my feet up to sleep, if possible. It’s good for circulation and stimulates the brain, not to mention avoiding varicose pattes and other beneficial rewards from proper placement of the feet. ...
Read MoreKitty, Interrupted
1.Sleeping happily. 2. sneaks in. 3.What does anthro want? 4.Hah, I know full well what anthro wants! 5.TAKES...
Read MoreOops!
Oh, boy, mama really did a number on Amazon. She was probably worried about the fact that she had forgotten to order my food from the supermarket where one can go pick up everything outside, and when THEY got home and unloaded the bags, guess what? Wasn’t IN them? NO FOOD FOR LOULOU. Lordy, lordy, you’d...
Read MoreStymied in Summer
Well, not sure what that means but it’s what I am today. Hindered from completing every task I had intentions of DOING, just don’t ask what. I slept ALL DAY LONG (30 C degrees here, which is NOT cool) and felt just like that slugabed that anthros talk about sometimes when...
Read MoreDay of the Hunter or Of Mice and Meows
Hey, cats hunt, right? This is just practice. I wouldn’t know what to hunt if I saw it! I saw it. I think. Maybe I need Hunting 101…...
Read MoreThe Bed and the Beautiful
Well, there I was, perfectly comfy, half-snoozy, about to pass right out into dreamland and what do THEY do? It’s change the bed day and they do it together because it’s easy that way but it is PAPA who THROWS me CRUELY...
Read MoreAccept Cookies
I got that whipped ricotta all over my paws! Still tastes good, though. Well, since we are so weird around here most of the time, mama thought that a nice cool little dessert recipe would lift your spirits, or maybe go with those Bakin’ with Bacon dishes on Two Spoiled Cats! And mama is not a dessert nut,...
Read MoreStressato!
Italy is just finishing its game with England for the EURO 202o European Cup! And, well, mama and papa are in a pretty strange state of mind right now. Italy and England have gone to free kicks and mama is thinking that maybe she should just close her eyes until it’s over… Shoot outs are not...
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