Oh, oh, this has to be the sweetest little critter on earth (aside from baby kitties, that is understood) and how lovely that the Australian couple saved him. This little cutie pie even made MY day, because I watched his antics with mama and we both cracked up! I just hope this darling made your day a bit...
Read MoreTell Tale Memoirs
Telling tails, haha. So here’s the story, folks. I did actually post some of this memoir in 2013 and just thought I’d try it out again as a starter for longer memoirs and at least it got me off the dime and I appreciate all of your observations. You were polite not...
Read MorePage Four – Cool Kitty
Papa is soooo cool. (Hey, he’s rubbing, right?) And when I say cool I mean that my mama and papa and I have a pretty nice relationship with one another and appear to really like where we are with respect to our being a couple + kitty, even if THEY aren’t spring chickens any longer and really could give...
Read MorePage Three – Weighing In…
Me, fat? No way, Jose. Here’s a doozy!!! Every morning mama weighs herself, as I might have mentioned, and then she picks me up when I least suspect it and then weighs the two of us. For a couple of days now, she has been shocked, puzzled and then horrified to learn that this Cat...
Read MorePage Two
Thinking. 2013 As I mentioned, I sit a lot and think and THEY just assume I’m sleeping but I’m working out all sorts of answers to problems that most kitties don’t even consider. Right now, for example, mama is typing away on some cookbook she’s re-writing, well, at...
Read MoreIt’s A Kitty’s World
(One of my first ventures into memoirs…I write to conquer, with the piercing eyes of a kitty who was photographed really badly, haha) 2013 All those seemingly depressed people out there muttering about a dog’s life this and a dog’s life that are right about dogs. But my...
Read MoreGo To Lengths
So when you have those upside down days, you just have to STREEETTTCCCH it out and get back to your normal way of BEING WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Ahhhh…. Ohhhh…. It’s the only...
Read MoreUpside Down Days
Well, do you ever have one of those days that your little body just turns upside down and you see everything topsy turvy, whatevr that is? This is one of those days. I think it’s related to the weird state of the world, don’t you? ...
Read MoreDeep Thoughts
Now just what was I doing? Sometimes I completely forget where I was headed or in which direction I was pointing and just have to stop and regroup! Whatever that is. There is only ONE of me, after all, haha. I can’t seem to get comfortable today. That’s weird!...
Read MoreToy Joy
This thingy is FAR OUT! Well, papa asked mama why she had ordered a Maori fertility sorcerer’s wand from Amazon and mama had no idea what he was talking about and it was on our receiving table in mama’s atelier where things get put that have come out of quarantine and mama ran up to see what on...
Read MoreOops
Well, I propped my feet up to stabilize myself so that mama could rub my tummy but I started slipping off the couch. Oops! There I gooooo… MAMA, come rub fast, things are sliding… ...
Read MoreFriends in Need…
It’s Friendship Friday, a great idea from The Cat On My Head. Make new friends, la la, but keee-eeep the old. One is silver and the other gold! A song that mama loves from her childhood and so true! But now I think mama thinks that all good friends are golden and that talking about this strange situation with them is more than helpful. ...
Floss Gloss
(All photos of Floss by Margherita Dunaway) Tuckered out from his photo shoot! Well yesterday it was doggies and today is hamsters...what’s the world coming to? (Hey, I can look like a hamster, too!) This is Floss, tiny furry bundle of fun...
Read MoreRingleader
Okay, okay, mama, I’ll turn my blog over to a German Shepherd… Well, I guess today will be doggy day. We kitties have to give some credit to those drool…er…delightful barkers every now and then, right? Well, mama loved this story because she lost her ring once and thought it had been vaccumed up by a...
Read MoreMoonlight Becomes Me
Well, I think it might, just a little. We have such a sweet half-moon right now and mama took her new phone out to photograph me in the dark and she came up with this…a lavender pool of moonlight for me to moon-bathe in. Mama says that when she was around 14 and so romantic, she used to...
Read MoreOff the Deep End…
Houston, we’ve got a problem! Well, I think that’s where mama went (off the deep end that is, not Houston) along with bonkers, over the edge, bananas, nutsy, cuckoo and too many other weird names for places one goes, well, when one goes there. I think. As in whatever state SOMEONE would be to want to gaze at crazy...
Read MoreMy bananas—SPLIT!
BEAT IT, mama!!! Er…please. Well, I know we have discussed this before, but mama thinks perhaps I shouldn’t be so attached to my ‘nanas and actually tried to TAKE ONE OR TWO AWAY…and where would she take them? Papa doesn’t use them, and mama only fills them up when they get saggy, so on whooom would she bestow my...
Read MoreSunday…sigh…
Is this ever going to change? Well, another week whistled by. Why are they going so fast? How do we slow things down a bit? Around here, we are a bit more emotional than we were before. Not me, of course, I keep my head about me when everyone else is losing theirs, haha, but still, this way of...
Read MoreMugsville
MAMA, MY DUVET IS DRIPPING! It is SO muggy here that I may have to get in a SHOWER…argggh… Yuk, it’s is DAMP. The air is heavy on my little furry body and mama and papa are dragging themselves around very slowly what with all of this wet air. But mama says it’s good for gardenias, whatever...
Read MoreLucky Lou Lou
Hah! Friday the 13th? Hah! Do I look as if I have had an unlucky day today? Maybe it’s my lucky kitty’s foot that saved me!...
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