Well, I was having this staring competition with mama, when out of the blue, mama started singing softly to me in a lyrical voice, whatever that is. (You, too, can sing along to Braham’s sweet tune…): “Lullaby, and good night, time for kitties to slumber, and I just want to say, you can rest on my duvet! Close your eyes, dream a little, and I’ll...
Read MoreA Story
Well, today, we only wish to share this with you during Hanukkah. It speaks of long-lost friends and happy endings… Like a tummy rub but much...
Read MoreHail, Hanukkah
Well, Hanukkah goes hand in hand with other holidays and it’s nice that so many can share this time of year together and try to bring things to a joyful, we hope, beginning of 2022. We love the mennorah, so graceful and bright. Safe and loving holidays to all. I am practicing my “ho, ho,...
Saturday Sketches
Well, mama couldn’t lighten these up, who knows why. Mama is a work in progress… And just for fun…throwing care to the wind…...
Read MoreVenerable Venerdi (Friday)
Bird bonked…but it sure was good! 1. I find it easy to choose a gift for _anyone, it’s such fun! 2. I find it difficult to choose a gift for _okay, okay, papa, he never wants or needs anything except snuggling so I guess I can wrap that up!_ 3. Now that I’ve _lost a few grams_, I can _chow down on whatever strange bird leftovers are in...
Read MorePintade Puzzlement
https://fr.depositphotos.com/14184293/stock-photo-guinea-fowl-birds-numiba.html Playing casually to get attention…for some bird later… I think there is another name for pintade, guinea hen, and this baby was range-free, as are many birds in France. They scratch and dig and are fed organic corn so mama feels (sort of) better about their...
Read MoreChanged My Mind…
Oh, boy, it is MISERABLE out there! Nothing much to do on rainy days… Maybe I’ll sit here and think up something wild and crazy to lift my spirits! Change of...
Read MoreThere’s The Rub II
Rub a dub dub… Well, there is nothing like a forehead rub. NOTHING. I just want it to go on and on and on…. Papa gave mama one, too, and she said the same thing! Maybe we’ll BOTH have to give papa one, to be considerate. ...
Read MoreStatic Electricity
Hey, aren’t these sleeping poses ‘shocking’, haha? I don’t move AT ALL. This never happens. Mama is waiting for me to budge. Loulou, what a boring...
Read MoreWork Around
Well, I think it’s time for a nap before the work of the day. Here goes. Well, that was nice. Mind refueled. Energy UP! OKAY, WORLD – HERE I COME! ...
Read MoreFriday Funnies
1. I am thankful for _my legs and paws still working when I tup over_, and _that I can turn right side up again! 2. I look forward to_ eating mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, turkey legs, green beans with slivered toasted almonds, and then passing out_ on Thanksgiving. 3. I didn’t realize _that I can’t eat much of ANY OF THOSE THINGS _ until I morph...
Read MoreSleep Sneaker
Well, sometimes, I’m just lying there, all stretched out, deep in dreams, thinking I am ALONE to snooze happily. Anywhere I please. I might change to my couch, for example… And THEN…I am sure I hear something… WHAT’S THAT? I’m snoozing here! ...
Read MoreWordy-Wart
I have two words today for this FREEZING, WINDY (but very beautiful pink cloudy and full moony) day: BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and...
Read MorePlay Plops
Same old topsy turvy…jeez, Louise. Well, it looks as if I play with the same moves. Hmmm…. Wonder why I find myself upside down every time? Maybe I need to work on my core… There goes that foot again…lordy, lordy. ...
Read MoreDon’t Quibble With Kibble
I know there is arthritis powder in this, but the chef hid it well. Well, I was late to breakfast this morning, otherwise known as “crackers” around here. Don’t ask me why but when mama says, “Crackers, Loulou”, my little mouth waters and I come running. It’s just to make her happy. I know full well that...
Read MoreHaving a Ball
Getting ready for the toss! Well, it’s not exactly a ball, as in round and bouncy, but it is sort of round-ish and does roll in a wee-wah kind of way. They are really fun to play with, because when you catch one, you get this lovely scent of you know what! And then, after the throw and catch and whap…game over. Still…it was fun while it lasted....
Read MoreSaturday Sketches
Well, this is mama’s portrait of my friend, Brough, unfortunately no longer with us. He had such an intense look and was such a loving kitty. And this is our friend, Cathy’s, sweet blind kitty, Fanny, no longer with us, but so beloved. This is the infamous Luna, clearly a kitty with no qualms about poses. Hah, at...
Read MoreFill ‘Er Up
1. I have a __sweet little white spot________ on my ___very black little body. 2. I wish I could speak fluent __Russian so I could talk to those interesting naked furless kitties. 3. I wonder what would happen if _I turned into a dog. 4. If I want _world peace________, I’m going to have to _get a whole lot of things and anthros to change! Friday...
Read MoreSoldier On
Well, all of us who can are going to have to soldier on in the war against COVID for as long as it takes. Today we thank all of the soldiers who soldiered on for us over so many years to keep our country and other countries safe. Merci, grazie, gracias, spasibo, in every language, a big THANK YOU to soldiers everywhere. We salute you!...
Word Pressing
MAMA, you said you’d help me today with my blog!!! MAMA, WHY AREN’T YOU ANSWERING ME? Okay, I’ll just freshen up my tail until you come. MAMA, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Why aren’t you answering me?...
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