HEY, WAIT A MINUTE! What if I have something to say? As in, Tomorrow is DECEMBER!” Wow, 31 days to 2023. Who knew? Think I’ll meow mama to put up our little tree of lights. We’re still not in the spirit quite...
Read MoreLap Topping
Well, I used to be able to drape my little body across mama’s lap and I am hoping so much that this B12 vitamin gets my little back legs in better shape so that I can drape! I think I make a nice lap topping, non? Maybe I should call it nap topping, haha. Mama’s busy making ginger snaps to get in the holiday mood, so I have to cut my...
Read MoreA Spark of Kindness
Around here at couch time, there is NOTHING like a head rub. A sweet spark for today. We loved this story because of the part that talks about receiving kindness and accepting kindness. Mama tears up over kindness, but I think there is a little part of her that has a bit of trouble with it in that perhaps she feels she is getting sonething she didn’t...
Read MoreSelf, Sun-ing on Sunday
Read MoreSaturday Sitting
Well, not exactly sitting but a sort of artsy “sitting”, better known to me as a “sleeping”, haha. Mama used some Beauty thingy on Loonypics to enhance my slumber. I kind of like the blue eyebrow, and also the feathered-effect. Nice being a bird for a short while. Just hope there are not kitties around, haha. We miss you, Tuiren. Run free....
Funky Friday
BLACK FRIDAY? WHAT’S THAT? Sounds scary. Oh, mama knows so I’m bowing out… Well, I’m lazing around today so will not be that alert to or sharp with my fill-in fantasies, haha. 1. I would like a __roast chicken factory of my own. 2. On Black Friday, I __ am just the same since I have NO idea what black Friday is for me but I think I...
Read MoreTurkey Trotting
Corn bread? CORN BREAD? Does it have kibble in it? Well, I don’t exactly trot around this house, but trot went well with turkey so what the heck… We are so very thankful for all of you out there who follow along on our often strange life’s journey, and we are thankful for a roof over our heads and food on the table but above all, friends and family,...
Read MoreWordless? CLUELESS!
Hey, that Greek stuff is TASTY. Well, I may know how to handle Wordless Wednesday, but mama did NOT have any idea about how to get me to take my little red pill with some kind of powder in it to (maybe) help my arthritis and she tried everything and FINALLY, mama, you wised up to…yep…you nailed it…GREEK YOGURT. Whatever that is. All I know is that I...
Read MoreLooking Ahead
So…I’m thinking of using tbis photo for my holiday card. What do you think, or is it too risque, uh, no that’s not the word, the word is…uh…suggestive? That’s not the word either. Hmm…I think maybe it might be a little too EXPOSED, haha. Oh, well, I have other more chaste photos. It’s just going to take a...
Read MoreMonday Munches
I barely escaped those…whatever they ares! Well, those donks paid a visit to mama to pick up her artichoke leavings and stems and they almost came RIGHT IN HER ATELIER! Where I was resting!!! I high-tailed it out of there, you can bet your booties! ARE THEY COMING IN? No way, Jose… So then mama starts FEEDING THEM…jeez, purée! But mama...
Read MoreSelfie Evident
Read MoreComputer Tutor
Well, I’m still thinking about writing my mémoires, if only my mémoire, haha, would sharpen up! Mama says the same thing about hers…I tend to agree with her when she forgets that 5pm now is REALLY 6pm (my original dinner time) and that coming down to the kitchen at FIVE PM simply means that I know what’s what and mama doesn’t! Jeez,...
Read MoreTGIFill-ins
Okay, this is a first. Mama wanted to fill in for a change: 1. On holidays, I usually have a second serving of __corn bread stuffing from my mama’s recipe. 2. I am thankful for __this, __that_ and __the other – too many things to list here, too many. 3. I would like to invite __all of our blogger friends over for a feast (or maybe just all of...
Read MoreThirsty Thursday And An Autumn Soup
Well, I am drinking so much water with this diabetes thingy. Makes me sleepy, too…(or maybe it’s my ‘nana). Still, it’s often hard to get kitties to drink so I guess it’s good for me. Mama drinks a lot of water, too, especially in dry wintertime. We are thankful that we have water…so many around the world do not!...
Read MoreThe Sound of Silence
Do you ever just want to sit on a nice cushion indoors and stare into space and think about what makes anthros tick and where does tuna originate and just what was before the Big Bang? Nothing...
Read MoreThe Plane Truth
Mama, do we have planes in this house? Well, here’s a little spark from an aviation museum, which goes to show that even when kitties need asistance, good hearts step up to the plate..er…plane, in this case. And now these darlings are up for adoption, named with aviation references and having their pictures taken in fighter jets in the...
Read MoreSun Day HAH!
My selfie sort of missed! Mama, were you standing on your HEAD? Or was I? No sun around here today. I think it has taken a vacation…for all I know the sun relaxes in Antarctica, haha. And we have friends in California who are already in SNOW, whatever that is. Humid, cold, what’s going on in this weird world? Yesterday it was hot and beautiful...
Read MoreSat Cat Snooze
Well, this is my day of rest so I am making the most of it. Still, a selfie might be in order… MAMA – I wanted GLAMOUR, not this schnoz snap! Alors, you just can’t get good assistants any longer… Okay, mama, now we’re talkin’….even if I do look pretty put out!...
Read MoreTidy Friday
1. A veteran I would like to thank today is __mama’s brother who was a Lt Col. army man, no longer with us. Lt Col E Joe Shimek II and first born, Joe III. 2, I can’t go a day without __having someone, ANYONE, rub my tummy. 3. The litter box right now_ is my most frequented _place to…er….whatever. 4. This time of year, __my garden is...
Read MoreThankful For Some Positive Returns
HEllO OUT THERE…I’m showing my tummy! ANYONE? Well, there were many journalists yesterday who alluded to the fact that young voters turned out in great numbers to strengthen our democracy, but not all votes are counted just yet. We shall see… I think I just have to be thankful for a country in which everyone who is elegible can vote...
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