Mama, you are doing my selfie from your photo collection and you are using THIS? Have you lost a marble or two, or what? This is embarassing and I had no way to stop you!!! WERE YOU AWARE THAT I LOOK RIDICULOUS AND ALMOST X-RATED? Jeez…I hope mama comes back from this trip with ALL of her marbles… Well, since we didn’t do a Saturday pic,...
Read MoreUh, oh……..
Yes, uh, oh, and another uh, oh, do you see what I see? Arggggh…. But… He is pretty dishy! And so exotic. Mama’s stepdaughter’s husband found Leo in Cairo and fell in love, then brought him back after two years to Rome. And Leo is on INSTAGRAM! Classy kitty, no? Mama just met him on this trip and took him some of MY food because I...
Read MoreFriday Frenzy
These fill-ins are challenging! 1. I wish my town ( city) had a _park for kitties to romp in together, maybe covered so they wouldn’t get lost, haha. (Mama wishes we had a natural hot pool and spa during winter. Actually, during every day!) 2. So far, this year has been __pretty wonderful, thanks to B12 for me and things growing well in the garden...
Read MorePigeon-Toes
Just look at that!!! That dumb #&!! bird is WALKING IN MY DRINKING WATER! And now he is DRINKING THE WATER HIS FEET ARE IN!!! Heaven knows where those feet have been! He walks all over the town, I’m sure, where DOGGIES have been and other unmentionable creatures… I’m just glad that some restaurants serve pigeon, haha. Okay, I take...
Read MoreOops, Wednesday
(Photo by ace kitty-sitter Sue MacDonald – spoiling me rotten) Hey, we jumped the fun and gun on May Day, but at least it’s a reminder for next Monday. I think mama was off her timetable when she helped me with that blog and the lily of the valley poster. Oh, well, I’m off to lounge in the garden and peek at pigeons. Life is good. (see...
Read MoreRom-ing
I’ll have to show my kitty sitter where I sleep. I think she has knees, too. My spark for the day is from Dr Seuss on travel: Oh, the things you can find if you don’t stay behind. Well, they are almost off, but we have always known that, haha. Let’s hope they come back a little more ON. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I am lolling on...
Read MoreJardin Denat Plants Pleasure
My Sunday selfie. Meditating on Earth Day among one of our earth’s beauties… We are so fortunate in our little village to have an amazing communal jardin. Villagers have contributed to the original idea of Maryline Buckingham, who started a permaculture garden on a large, empty lot donated, with Maryline’s encouragement for the purpose by...
Read MoreArt In The Garden
We thought this Lunapic effect looked like a garden itself! Well, except for the turquoise kitty, haha… Lavendar calms my spirit. As does our sage plant, which is attracting bees! Thank heaven. So that’s out art for today. The art of...
Read MoreFill-osophy
To peel or not to peel, that is the question. 1. I was pleased to hear that __I am the same weight 5.9 kg every day, which is healthy for my condition. My doc was very impessed yesterday when they STUCK me for blood, but my glucose was DOWN, whatever that is. 2. There should be a __WORLDWIDE ANIMAL Appreciation Day. 3. I have a lot of confidence in my...
Read MoreA Merci Meow
Sleeping smile… Thank you, everyone, for supporting my wish to STAY PUT, wherever PUT is. Home and Roam not get along that well for me, haha. And thanks for the magic of Angel Whisper’s music, which always seems to help the blues, as mama is a bit that color right now, thinking of being without me for a time. But still, we are thankful for...
Read MoreSole Mates!
Thanks to Pam Kimmel and Teddy, I CAN GO WHEREVER I WISH, HAHA! Even to Rome to spy on mama and papa eating mozzarella WITHOUT ME! I think these are the best shoes I have ever had – Jimmy Shoe, eat your heart out, haha. Thank you, Sole Sister, for my incredible magic tootsie-covers. And Dorothy, going barefoot is good for your feet...
Read MoreTrip In
Staying put is where I want to be. But I hope my Kitty Whisperer lets me sleep against her leg. This the trip I wish to be on, haha. Well, after having heard that there are 156 tunnels from the Italian border to where mama and papa are going to visit those baaaad grandanthros, I am SO glad I am staying PUT, wherever that is. My uncle Dan sent this...
Read MoreHome Fire
If mama could find an app to do it, she would put ruby slippers on my tootsies! Our spark today is simple but means a lot to me: There is no place like home, to quote Dorothy…. Which is why I am SOOO GLAD I AM STAYING HERE NEXT WEEK! Have a nice, homey week,...
Read MoreSelfie Aware
Mama, do you remember when my Auntie Jacquie and Uncle Brian were here that last time YOU ABANDONED ME and that amazing Brian helped me make tomato supports in the jardin? Remember? Well, they are thinking about coming back sometime this fall, YAY, YAY, we’re all shook up! That’s about all the news today. Except when mama helped me with my...
Read MoreCake Art Haha
MERCI for my Happy Sox, Loulou! Yes, well, papa, I only gave them to you for a chin rub, haha. Just kidding…. Papa actually needed socks, which is rarely the case with anthros, right? He gave his old socks to a group of kindergarten kids who cut them downwards in rings and stretch them over a frame to weave things…don’t ask. Mama has...
Read MoreFriday Foibles and Birthday Boy
Just for the record: I USED to have teeth, and still have those front ones, thank cod. I can still eat cake, haha… 1. HA HA HA, getting me to go out when the door opens for me because I say I want to go out__is like nailing jello to a wall. 2. I could use a break from __COLD WEATHER AND WIND. 3. I’d like to thank __all my blogger friends for...
Read MoreMidweek Mercis
Well, I am thankful for sun in our garden and thankful that papa is having another birthday, along with mama’s first cousin. Lots of April births for some reason. And thankful for Justin Jone’s reinstatement, which means that SOME anthros have decency and ethics in that legislature. And we are so impressed that kitties get their teeth brushed every...
Wednesday Wish
Uh, oh, suitcases. Uh, oh, travel. Uh, oh, abandoned. Uh, oh, surrogate mama. Uh, oh, PEACE AND...
Read MoreJustin and Joan
Airport in Nashville. Joan Baez just happened to be on the plane from Nashville with Representative Jones. Gun control in Tennessee is practically non-existant. Children are dead. Justin Jones, Justin Pearson, and Gloria Johnson, representatives in the Tennessess State Legislature, spoke in the chamber against guns and the two Justins were expelled from...
Read MoreMonday Memories
Well mama and papa were out walking on Sunday and mama made up this spark, which can be taken any way one wishes but mama liked the feel of it. Probably because she is only 5’2″and everyone else in the world towers over her, haha. No matter how big or small you are, throw a long shadow to include those around you. Now if that has any meaning...
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