Well, I had to have a checkup at the you-know-where with my really nice doc, Dr. Joubert. HEY, that rhymes! Moving on, there I am walking around with a sinking feeling, looking for ANYWHERE in which to disappear, and all I can find is THIS: So today I am thankful for sinks in vet’s offices and also thankful that I have no urinary problems – I...
Read MoreThe Silence of the Paws
Read MoreTuesday Timing
HEY, wait a minute. I am SNOOZING here. In this weather I really need to get back to where I was! I’m a spring/summer kind of kitty, need I say more? And your timing is off, mama. That’s better....
Read MoreYes And No
Too pooped to paw… Well, our spark for today is another take on the feeling that you have to say yes to everything and be positive and do, do, do, until you drop. It’s okay to say no. You are not a bad person for telling the truth. Mama was asked to talk to a food group about cooking and baking in particular and how she and papa started the...
Read MoreSunday Sigh
Well, it’s COLD today! And I can’t go outside in this weather, sigh… BUT, I have a toasty heating pad bed and I may just, haha, CHILL out on it Have a lovely hot chocolatey Sunday…or caffé-y, or Scotch-y, mama says, haha. Just kidding. Keep cosy....
Read MoreFeral Fixing
Well, that word (fix) is not a favorite around here but once the event is over, our feral kitties will be very happy indeed. As was I. The mairie has sent out a notice that our village ferals will be sterilized and put back, when they have recovered, into their outdoor places in our little village. Some have a little house and food is always left...
Read MoreFestive Friday
Uh, mama, my wine lacks body, don’t you think? Well, here goes: 1. I ___think papa is looking for a good computer price for his son, my uncle__ on (this)Black Friday. 2. Our Christmas Tree goes up on __ the piano, haha, because it’s small amd fits perfectly at the end__ and down on ___the 30th, the day before New Year’s, for good luck, or...
Read MoreChickening Out…
Okay, okay, it’s turkey but we giving a turkey somewhere a respite and are having a little chickie, and mama has stuffed it with her mama’s dressing recipe…lots of fresh sage, onion, celery, garlic, olive oil, a bit of butter, cornbread made with corn nibs and chilli powder from New Mexico, salt and pepper, chicken stock, and two beaten...
Read MorePsst….
Pssst….someone is sneaking up on me and it’s my DAY OFF! Can’t a lady get some rest around here?...
Read MoreTuesday Tinkering
Just saying hello and tinkering around actually with an appropriate name for our Tuesday blog, haha. Maybe I should name my Tuesday thoughts Tuesday Triumphs and only write about the amazing ability of kitties to be part of history. Such as in this story of Persian cat warriors… Well, I’m not at all sure that those kitties were actually 100%...
Read MoreButtering Up
(Hmm…planning a nap takes considerable thought…) Well, papa’s mama taught him that when you butter the edges and corners of a piece of toast, the middle will take care of itself, and around here, we love thinking about that as it applies to many other parts of life, too. Maybe taking care of the essentials, the most diffiucult part of a...
Read MoreSacked Out Selfie Sunday
Says it all, non? Have a perfectly lovely Sun-day or Sunday or Son-day. Or kitty day, for that matter....
Read MoreBonjour
I’m waving sleepily at mama after having just be AWAKENED by an iPhone-camera-crazed-weasel who insisted on snapping pics during my beauty sleep! Enough said. I think mama wanted to Lunapic me with a Fairy effect. And today she’s even doing one of herself so I’m calling it LOONEY PIC! I think this is called Illusion, which seems...
Read MoreFilling Around
Okay, mama will do these today. I am tummy tickled tired and tupped, forward this time… 1. I always turn up the volume when/if _PAVAROTTI/the Stones/The Beatles/Queen/too many more to list__ come(s) on. 2. I change the radio station when__ sad or bad news__comes on. 3. Once I finish __a dessert for a dinner party, I can _thoroughly enjoy cooking the...
Read MoreHello TRs Everywhere
Uh, hint, hint. Does anyone KNOW what this is? It’s black and white and rubbed all over… I am so thankful for my underbelly, tummy, paunch, belly, breadbasket, bingy. Wait a minute, BINGY? BINGY? Wow, those Aussies know how to make language FUN, non? We are thankful today for stomachs that are filled, as so many are not during the terrible...
Read MoreWise Wednesday
Who wants to talk when this is...
Read MoreTuckered…
…OUT! This homecoming has worn me out. Is there such a thing as too many head or tummy rubs? Silly question… Merci for all of your welcome home comments...
Well, today’s spark has to do with trust. Benjamin Spock said that you must trust yourself because you know more than you think you do. And I realliy like that because my trust in mama and papa was weakening a bit when they had to stay away longer, but I knew deep inside that they would be back and would never leave me, not for ANYTHING, and I...
Read MoreSelf Centered
Well, I am feeling a little bit more centered on myself today, after having gone through THEIR tales of travel trauma with mama and papa. They are now here again with ME, and that is all that matters…me. So today I did ME, in...
Read MoreChin Chuck
Well, FINALLY, papa is getting back into the swing of things, or rather the snuggle of things, or maybe the chinny chin chin caress of things. Whatever…I just wish he’d move a tad toward the top of my head, which makes me ecstatic! I’ll give it time… So first Saturday back—maybe a loving-cheek-rub Lunapic is in the works:...
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