GOOOAAAAL!!!!! Right past that Spanish defender….whoo hoo. Well, we just loved this article. Things that make us smile are so needed lately, but of course we have the Olympics that are doing that, too! No words needed for how amazing they are to watch… Mama had never seen anthros boxing one another without hurting one another! Fly-weights are...
Read MoreTuesday Backstrokes
Well, I’ll be giving Regan Smith and Kaylee Mc Keowm a run…er…swim for the money tonight! I’ve got my backstroke perfected, which isn’t difficult where I am, haha. Lots of coaches! Watch tonight as I (uh…maybe…) take the gold, whatever that is. Are these Olympics fun? They bring us together, anthros from all over...
Read MoreToday’s Thoughts and Toys
A celestial banana is available to all my friends here…such good care is taken with us… Bonjour to all. And let the games continue… Then again, perhaps the Olympics have gotten a bit out of hand. Papa thinks so and mama certainly was surprised at seeing break dancing as an olympic sport! Not to mention Basketball 3×3 or Beach...
Read MoreSunday Somersaults
Just having fun today… And mama put in this link for you to see highlights of the opening ceremonies. We LOVED the opening….just loved it all, kooky or not. The organization must have been formidable, mama says. The man in charge must have LOTS of energy and creativity. We won’t see the likes of this very soon in future Olympic...
Read MoreSaturday Self Surprise
WOW, I had no IDEA that floating through a rainbow would do THIS!!! This is like the opening of the Olympics last night, mama says. FANTASTIC, AMAZING, KOOKY, BEAUTIFUL, MEMORABLE…and more, much more. Mama is still trying to figure out how the amazing organizer planned and executed all that went on over 4 hours! And the MUSIC…and the voices and...
Read MoreFrank Fill-ins
Just rollin’ around up here with my toys… 1. I have changed __my earthly form__ in the past year. 2.I need to get moving on __overseeing the November election. I think the kitties who are like me now can send lots of energy to Kamala!!!!Not that she needs it, haha. Maybe send it to voters. 3. Though it might seem childish, I __love it when I...
Read MoreThinking Thankfuls
Well, we’re thinking today about President Biden and thanking him for moving aside for new, energetic leaders for our country, which has been weakened by MAGA and those who would see the USA fail in almost everything it stands for. And we thank Brian as always for the Hop on Thursdays. We are loving our summer and a little rest from harsh winter and...
Read MoreToo Hot For Words!
(At least I don’t sweat, haha.) I am floating on cool shiste stones in this heat… Did you know that Sunday was the hottest day recorded in the history of our planet…? Porca miseria, as the Italians say. Mon Dieu!! Where do we go from here? I have an idea!...
Read MoreTuesday Tickle Again
I love laughing on my blue cloud! And well, we got such a LAUGH from this. A Polly who is definitely JOLLY! WHO KNEW that a parrot could be x-rated, haha. I would love to hear his vocabulary, wouldn’t you? There are kitties who talk, but I have to admit, a parrot is way beyond kitting chat, and we are so proper, non? (I think I said...
Read MoreVive l’USA!!!
Today we have one spark and one spark only We were moved to tears with this article. It is a positive look at what our future can be as Americans. Vive l’United States of...
Read MoreSelfie-ish Sunday
Well, here I am, high above the world….HAPPY SUNDAY TO ALL. It’s raining kitties and doggies here and there are poodles in the road…arggggh….just had to say that. Actually it is HAILING here….Hail’s...
Read MoreAnd a Lunapic For Fun
Well, this is Swirl from Loonypics and it’s sort of the way I feel most of the time,...
Read MoreMemory Gifts
I’m sure she is glad she was born because otherwise she would’t have met ME or papa!!! Or any of the other sweet people in her life, including ALL of you! Bon anniversaire, mama, and many more…...
Friday Fills
Lazy among the leaves…. Mama did these, sort of. 1. I refuse to shop at a store where the sellers are rude___ because __rude is CRUDE. And I did this one: 2.I am naturally mama’s Mac screensaver but papa__ is mama’s ipad screensaver. 3. If I had a pet parrot, I would teach it to say __”how COOL can you get” when anyone walked by, haha.(Papa taught a Myna...
Read MoreMer-see
There…a bit closer… Well, tonight we are saying thank you, merci, for the most lovely waxing moon about to be full in 3 days but meanwhile, our guru gardener is planting leeks, carrots, onions, anything that grows underground for during the waxing moon is when one PLANTS these things. Mama didn’t know that until she started living in our little...
Read MoreA Few Lines Speak Many Words
Uh, could I get a little privacy...
Read MoreTuesday Tracking
The great Black and White Hunter watches stealthily as the dumb pigeons attempt to eat all of the dropped birdy seed from mama’s and papa’s bird feeder! Today it was up to me to use my magical powers to save the birdy food from being gobbled up by those %&$#@!!! pigeons!!! My work is definitely cut out for me, even if it’s a piece...
Read MoreListen Up
The word ‘listen’ contains the same letters as the word ‘silent’.” ― Alfred Brendel And today in my garden I began to listen to the mulch and all that is growing under it that will make more roses and tomatoes and lettuce and coriander and lavendar and rosemary and tarragon and fenugrek and….uh…let’s get to the...
Read MoreSelfie Shelf
I loved to climb up and survey my previous domain, which is what I’m doing today for my Sunday treat We are sorry that Mr Trump was shot at and so sorry for the fireman who was killed. Violence solves nothing, nothing at all. Getting rid of guns does.…
Read MoreCat Glass
Hey, do you think we kitties might make nice windows in little churches? Or even maybe over the kitchen sink? Okay, maybe even a bathroom window. All I know is that we kitties are defnitely not crass in glass, haha. Have a lovely weekend and a Sunday...
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