A French Kitty's Opinions On Just About Everything

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Saturday Sailing

Saturday Sailing

Posted by on Aug 31, 2024 | 16 comments

Okay, okay I’ll float in on little cat feet to help mama but I’m outta here after I nudge her brain about boats… Well, the Americas Cup is on…but today, alas, the USA boat, American Magic, lost to Luna Rossa, the Italian boat. We still have a chance against the UK but mama hasn’t seen that one yet and I’m ansy to get...

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Fixin’ to Fill on Friday

Posted by on Aug 30, 2024 | 20 comments

1. The summer is just about over and I have yet to ___help mama’s tomatoes to ripen. But she planted too late for summer fruits. 2. The highlight of my summer was __lying around in this incredible weather and fertilizing the garden for mama. 3. Mama says that Paola in Donna Leon’s novels__ is a fictional character I she really relates to. Loves...

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Oh, So Thankful

Oh, So Thankful

Posted by on Aug 29, 2024 | 28 comments

I’m just cooling my fur on these sweet schiste stones..  Oh, so many thanks to you, dear readers, for so many things and events and friends and kitties and doggies and birdbrained those darling birdies that make our mornings such fun….especially mine, haha. They have no idea what’s going on when I’m floating around them,,, Thank you...

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Warbling Wednesday

Warbling Wednesday

Posted by on Aug 28, 2024 | 22 comments

  I could hear them singing, but then, we kitties hear things that mere mortals do not… Well, mama did not find the penqguins’ lament at the zoo after their loss, but we did find this. There is one penguin in the group singing with his head and beak raised that perhaps is like the Sphen’s mate mourning his death. In fact, mama hears...

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Pondering Penguins

Pondering Penguins

Posted by on Aug 26, 2024 | 16 comments

    HELLO, I could fit in with penquins, non? Black and white and fur all over!  Well, today we would like to share this story with you. You may already have read about these two, but it’s such a lovely story, even if the ending brought tears to our eyes. Perhaps the spark for today is that we must be more inclusive as human beings and...

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Sunburst Sunday

Sunburst Sunday

Posted by on Aug 25, 2024 | 20 comments

Well, I floated onto my ex mama’s and papa’s bed to have this sunburst selfie produced with all the trimmings. HAPPY SUNDAY with lots of...

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Sat Snooze

Sat Snooze

Posted by on Aug 24, 2024 | 14 comments

ZZZZZZZZZZ…. Well, even in my new comfortable state, which includes almost everything on earth, haha, no pun intended, snoozing ROCKS. Especially on Saturday, my day of rest, well, one of my days of rest. Uh, whatever day I want, I rest. I’m a kitty! Who floats… Have you ever tried snoozing on AIR? Soooooo comfy. A very happy Saturday...

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Friday Float

Friday Float

Posted by on Aug 23, 2024 | 14 comments

1. I am in__floating in the garden_ era. 2. I am insecure about __how to handle all the ˆ%$!@&! pigeons that mama has attracted with food for her turtledoves! They fight each other over the food even though she put out TWO pans! Mama, ditch the food for a few days. I do NOT want pigeons in my play yard!!!Even if the turtledoves always win, haha. (Mama...

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Flower Girls And Thanks

Flower Girls And Thanks

Posted by on Aug 22, 2024 | 16 comments

Hey, I have to bathe, after all this floating around, especially in a garden! 🌺🌺🌺 Well, these two are something to be thankful for. We are so touched when anthros like these women do something out of the ordinary to recycle beauty and make the world smile! What a brilliant idea they had to use flowers that were normally discarded after weddings and other...

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No Weeds Wednesday

No Weeds Wednesday

Posted by on Aug 21, 2024 | 12 comments

Now you see me, now you don’t, haha. Mama’s first tomato!! Hallelujah…planted a bit late… Lots of basil for pesto and more… Japanese shiso for sushi and salads…grows like weeds! Our biskie, a hibiscus for mama’s birthday last year from her stepkids. A golden zucchine snuggled in among its leaves until a bit...

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Tuesday Tickle and Luna Granda

Tuesday Tickle and Luna Granda

Posted by on Aug 20, 2024 | 18 comments

What a moon last night, close to the earth and BEEEG. These kitties are standing in for me today, haha. And this photo is from a wonderful group of historic photos. We hope this site opens for you. Well, it’s me on the rocks again, haha…but so...

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Monday Sparkles

Monday Sparkles

Posted by on Aug 19, 2024 | 18 comments

Well, because our fireworks for St Vincent’s celebration this year were set off in an area of the sea that is closer to our part of the village, we discovered that we could see a good part of them from our upper deck! WHO KNEW? But it really was because the Maire (mayor) changed the position of the fireworks on our bay, setting them off closer to our...

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Sitting In On Saturday

Sitting In On Saturday

Posted by on Aug 17, 2024 | 18 comments

BONJOUR, yes it is I…cloudlike and ephemeral, whatever that means, but just saying hello for a quick minute and snooze on this lovely weekend of St Vincent in our tiny village. CROWDS of visitors, processions, bands and music, food, fireworks last night, too much to mention…. (By the way, mama writes recipes for PO Life. Good articles in this...

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Filling Around

Filling Around

Posted by on Aug 16, 2024 | 16 comments

  You want ME to fill in? No way, Jose. Donc, mama’s doing three answers today, as I look forward to everything and I don’t have a door to hang anything on and everything is delicious, but I’ll do the last one… 1. I am so not looking forward to ___covid rising as the fall approaches. Huge crowds of tourists in our little...

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Tanks, Everyone

Posted by on Aug 14, 2024 | 20 comments

Donc, ‘tank you all for continuing with me on my other-worldly journey. I couldn’t think of a good alliterative thank work so just ousted the ‘h’, and used it for ‘ha ha’, haha. Oh, boy…. better stop now. But seriously, folks, you give us so much with your photos of sweet animals and family and we cherish your wise...

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Wistful Wednesday

Posted by on Aug 14, 2024 | 4 comments

Donc, where is this summer going and why is it going so FAST? Up until this last week, our weather and an influx of tourists have stopped summer in its tracks, whatever that means! Maybe wordless is exactly what I should be about all of this. Wise choice, no? Have a wanton and whimsical Wednesday😻.…

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Monday Mantra

Warbling Wednesday

Posted by on Aug 12, 2024 | 22 comments

  Just here. Just now. Just this. Mama can’t remeber who gave her this mantra but it certainly works wonders on some days in this frantic, confusing world. It even works in my new world, which, believe me, can be confusing sometimes…. A sweet spark, easy to remember, mama says, haha. Just here, just now, just this…a perfect state of...

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Tuesday Take

Tuesday Take

Posted by on Aug 12, 2024 | 10 comments

Well, mama snapped/took this from a friend’s apartment in our little village, just to show you where we live, off and on, well, mostly on. Summer is crowded but in the fall and winter months, it’s heaven, especially for me, haha. Sun puddles are so cool, haha…I love it that no one bothers me when I’m sacked out in my sunny...

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Saturday Matterday

Saturday Matterday

Posted by on Aug 10, 2024 | 18 comments

Well, I think most anthros love a Saturday morn with possibly no work demands for that day, maybe a stint in the garden or a good book or an event with kids or just maybe a long snooze… I love that last one. Lunapic is helping me lounge colorfully, haha, but being in rainbow land helps, too. Have a snoozy weekend… …or help mama and me...

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