A French Kitty's Opinions On Just About Everything

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Friday Funk

Friday Funk

Posted by on Aug 9, 2024 | 10 comments

Heading out to the roses to give them a…uh…watering…. Well, mama took over here because the Olympics did not include Catwalk Competing and Master Meowing competition so I spent all that time making the plants grow in my garden, especially the tomatoes, which have been planted a bit late in the season and I seem to be the Queen of run-on...

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Thanks, Ms Harris

Thanks, Ms Harris

Posted by on Aug 8, 2024 | 26 comments

“Bravo, we love Walz!” Comment from a Tuxie in Rome whom mama met last year, watching our political scene unfold. The whole world is watching… Donc, I nudged mama into being a bit political with the blog today, so you can skip it if you wish, but we feel it’s so important, come November. Today we are thankful for the choice of...

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Golden Silence

Golden Silence

Posted by on Aug 7, 2024 | 14 comments

I cannot figure out, mama, how you got this image with a holloween mask on me!!! Not sure they celebrate that around here, and I was just supposed to be hanging out in golden silence….go figure…. WHEW…back to normal, whatever that means....

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Sparkly Sentiment

Sparkly Sentiment

Posted by on Aug 5, 2024 | 18 comments

Can you see a little tiny spirit smile just hoovering around my muzzle…? It’s there. Phyliss Diller once said… A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. Mama loved her humor, especially when she said that to get rid of dirty laundry, just leave it in your unlocked car in a pretty bag… LOVED that....

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Botch-y Ball

Botch-y Ball

Posted by on Aug 4, 2024 | 28 comments

SHE FORGOT AGAIN? Well, we have some disturbance around here. I wear myself out REMINDING mama that she is to transfer my spiritous thoughts to what is called, mama, a BLOG, and she is so busy watching incredibly hefty male anthros throw some kind of heavy dumb ball onto some grass that she FORGETS what has gone on around here for over 12 years!!!! That...

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Freaky Fill-ins

Freaky Fill-ins

Posted by on Aug 2, 2024 | 12 comments

UH, OH…break dancing may not be my cup of tea… 1. I want(ed) to try ___break dancing but I know I’d break something! 2. Meat-patty-munching along with kibble-crunching__should be an Olympic sport. Mama: 3. I’m grateful that __people were kind, gentle, and lovning while I was growing up. 4. Growing one’s own food if possible__...

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