Posted by on Apr 5, 2022 | 18 comments

WOW, are those two magnificent or WHAT? So romantic…

We are hoping that this marvelous and beautiful couple will bring some calm and sweetness to Ellen after her terrible loss of sweet Sammy. There are no words to soothe…

Well, I couldn’t resist with that purr thing because of the video in my blog.  Sometimes mama is watching YouTube with her exercise video coach, Pahla B, and something comes up that catches her eye and she just can’t resist.

In this case, the video was so, so beautiful that papa caught her watching it in tears and then he watched and teared up, too!

Maybe it will make your Tuesday a bit sweeter as you gaze upon these amazing skaters, the best we have ever seen and first experienced (by us) at the Olympics.

It reminded mama and papa of when they met and how they fell in love.

Sometimes it’s nice to take a little time out to just marvel at something and soothe your spirit.

Even if it is mushy, I might add…

You might want a hanky nearby, whatever that is.

We’re a mushy family, there’s no getting around it.
