Helping prepare the ground for spring planting, haha….
Well, being an angelic kitty, I feel that none of these fill-ins really applies to me since I am an anti-Kryptonite kitty for sure, never misplace anything and only can really fill in No. 3. So mama will take 1 and 2 and 4.
1.I can’t find anything worse than saying that TRUMP__is my kryptonite. He is even moe poisonous than kryptonite. I had incorrect info about kryptonite being a substance that gave Superman STRENGTH and magic powers, and so I orginally said that “my husband” is my kryptonite but then I found that it is a POISONOUS substance!!!!!! PLEASE DO NOT THINK MY HUSBAND IS KRYPTONITE!!! No way, Jose.
WAIT A MINUTE!!!! IS KRYPTONITE GOOD OR BAD? We just read that it DEPRIVES Superman of powers. So it’s bad, right?
2. MY GLASSES__ is/are the thing(s) I misplace the most often.
3. When mama left tuna out in the garden so long ago to tempt me to stay__ was when I realized ___I had a forever home.
4. I wish I had learned __OH, too many things to list here__ sooner.
LOVE the fill-ins, always challenging! Merci to Ms Ellen and Four-legged Furballs!!
Trump Signs Order Aimed at Dismantling Education Department
Please read wht this means for your kids, for all kids, for poor kids, for handicapped kids, for the future of thse children who will not get a proper education in their lives to be able to be strong in their futures and make a good life for themselves.
Keep the faith and call your senators to ask why they are not doing something to stop this as the Dept of Education is being shut down. Unimaginable. Cruel.
How can half of our country believe that this monster is good for democracy?
I took the Kryptonite to be something bad, something which should be avoided.
Leaving tuna in the garden to tempt the kitty to come live there sounds like a brilliant idea.
Well, Ms Messymimi, it WORKED. Mama just moved it closer to the door of the kitchen each day and after about four days, bammo, I was a Forever Kitty.
Those were all good and interesting answers!
Brian’s Home
LOVE the Fill-Ins and they are so challenging…Merci.
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I bought a bunch of readers at the dollar store to have in every room because I lose them too. I am glad you had such a wonderful forever home. XO
Oh, Ms Ellen, ME, TOO, I was so, so happy to find shelter and loving pawrents. Yes, glasses everywhere works!
Well, Kryptonite is a fictional element
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kryptonite
It is bad for Superman, and I don’t know the back story well enough to know if it supposedly has benign uses. In my teenage years I was a fan of The Flash, mainly because I had a crush in a (real) guy named Barry.
We love that photo of you in the garden, too. We had never seen that white splotches on your back, setting you apart from the tuxie crowd.
Well, some fake guru once told mama that the white splotches were from an accident but she was completely wrong and the vet said they were beauty marks, haha.