The Solution To All Posted by Loulou on Mar 26, 2025 | 18 comments Well, I am speechless today. But it solves lots of problems.
I hope this Executive Order is challenged in the courts. It will disenfranchise so many.
Mais oui, especially older Americans who save and save for retirement.
Oh Loulou – we love this photo of a totally passed out YOU!
Hugs, Teddy and Mom
Merci, Mr T. I seem to like that state more than any other, haha. Mama wishes she could sleep like kitties….you are really good at it, too, Teddy.
Your pink nose and tongue are too precious, Loulou.
Merci, Ms Melitza. We kitties know how to get the awwwws….
It’s hard to keep up with everything now, isn’t it.
OUI. At some point we are going to have to press the ‘delete’ button in our brains to rid ourselves of the junk mail!!!
Someone should issue a full scale IDIOT ALERT!
Brian’s Home
Maybe make a sign to put in all of our yards instead of “Vote for” whomever is running…Love that idea Mr T.
Very cute shot of you. xO
Merci, Ms E and your kitty shots were wonderful this week! Those Trouble Eyes always make us happy.
Oh LouLou – you are speechless, but there are several we wish would just shut up !!
HAHA, isn’t that the truth! And will they? No way, Jose unless the judges get together and take this guy to court in a very serious way.
so iff dee elections r fraudulent then i wood gess he izza not dee president??? thank cod!
HAHAHA no won haz sed ennyting about dat!!! you iz so cool. da democratz shood say dat!
Gilda Radner, “it’s always something!” She’d have to amend that to it’s “always something on top of something else and more and more and more.”
OH, we loved her and her humor and insights. A great lady and yes…more and more and more and then he reverses it and throws everyone off balance.