Posted by on Dec 31, 2015 | 3 comments


Well, here I am trying to keep my balance in the back seat as we head toward home and New Year’s Eve and the fireworks and all the townspeople in the streets dressed in 60s costumes!  Personally, I did not want to wear that afro mama bought me or a headband so I am staying HOME where I am quiet and sane and not out there with all the crazies frolicking on the quai!  Plus it was all I could do with my four paws to get that silly wig off of my head after having seen what I looked like.  I suppose I could have gone as Felix, the Cat. He was sort of 60s, no?  But I’m a she and so out went that idea.


This is NOT happening tonight, I’m pretty sure, or I might have joined in…

In the centre ville, there will be nice music, however, and there will be champagne and smoked salmon (drool) and there will be incredible fireworks, as usual, but mama and papa are going up on a hill to some neighbor’s to watch the action because it’s the best place to see anything in this tiny town.

I just wish to say that when we finally got here and I was let out of my…er…traveling apartment, that I found on my dining room table a stack of the most LOVELY cards from so many kitties that I don’t really know very well but who were thoughtful and kind enough to take time to write notes and say Happy New Year and Merry Christmas and more sweet things and I just want to send a very big


to everyone who invested so much time and energy in keeping in touch, especially those so far away from where we are in France right now.  I did not know that I was supposed to send a real, paper Christmas or holiday card and so only sent the silly one I made with Photoshop and so next year…well…we’ll see.  I’m trying to write more than just my blog and so the time is pretty allotted to that right now.

But thank you again, my fellow bloggers, and have a loving and kind and healthy 2016 and remember who rules your roost, so to speak, but be generous and tolerant of those anthros who sometimes really do not know at all what they are doing.

You are there to help, right?


Mama’s headband


Papa’s Peace necklace…oh, boy.

If I could have dressed like Chuck Berry, I would have gone…