Posted by on May 19, 2016 | 5 comments



Well, I’m just here checking out the roses and making sure they’re growing properly.  I love to sniff them, but there was a little spider in one and it jumped right on my nose and scared the living daylights out of me!

I’m contemplating him, as you see, but I think I’ll keep my distance.  Those little tiny spiders are the ones that don’t let you know what they are doing next.


Here’s mama with fava beans and radishes from the neighbour, just picked.  The radishes, not the neighbour.

Mama eats them with salt and butter but we (note the use of ‘we’, since I am her sous chef or in this case, her Sue chef, haha) clean them, leaving a little bit of green stem, squeeze lemon juice over all and salt them well.  Then they marinate in the fridge and make really good crispy radish sandwiches with buttered bread.


This is Jean, our nice neighbour, who gives us fresh eggs and radishes and potatoes and leeks and carrot and whatever he is pulling up out of his garden at the moment.

Here is his perfect, amazing garden.  And this is only half of it:


Here’s the other half:


Here is his garden gate:


And a kitty he drew in concrete on one of the steps:


And his carrots:


And he has just given us dahlias to attract bees and mama is about to plant them:


I’m exhausted with all of this garden gaiety!  I’m off to do what I do best.




Hope and love for Billy and family.
