Posted by on Sep 16, 2016 | 9 comments



Did you say we are having pizza on Sunday?  What about Friday and Saturday?  I saw, mama, that you have a new box of something or other to give me a little treat every now and then because a friend suggested that Friskies brand, and I DO like it, but between pizza and kibble, which one are YOU going to choose, huh?  That’s a no-brainer, whatever that is.



Do I make my point?


You say kitties are not supposed to eat pizza?  Says who?

(Just kidding, mama only lets me have a bit of mozzarella, but hey, life is not perfect, right?)


Hey, it’s low fat, tasty, and I don’t eat much.  Keeps my svelte body in perfect form.

Sort of.


See, I have a waist in there.  Somewhere.