Posted by on Nov 3, 2016 | 17 comments


First Step: Focus

Well, after that spooky Halloween softened by lovely pumpkins from Nellie, I think we should be MINDFUL of just BEING and try to practice a little ZEN like these pooches.

I, of course, practice ZEN all day long even when others are losing their minds around me and whizzing around like crazed weasels.  Hey, piece of cake.

This is what I do.

Focus: Stare into space until your eyes half close (see above).

Still staring, remove all stress from your little pea brain, lie down on your side and think of…zilch.


When that doesn’t work (as it often doesn’t), think of not thinking of anything.  Often this works.

Put the tongue behind the front fangs and breathe in to count of 8. Hold for 3 seconds.  Breathe out forcefully, as in whoooosh!




Good, good, you are doing fine, but if these do not work, you are simply not a candidate for ZEN living and will spend the rest of your life free from trying to empty your mind and body of any sensations

Good for you!  Cuddles will be enhanced and food will taste better and you will sleep like a baby, whatever that is.


But I can’t get my stare to go away!