Posted by on Feb 25, 2017 | 8 comments


Hey, you want ‘silky’?  Just run your hand over this tummy! #PMTphotohunt

So there is this contest every week, or challenge, that is, to come up with a photo to express the subject that is that week’s pick.

Visit this blog to see how to enter.  Great fun!

How to anthros come up with these silly and wonderful events to join in on and share?  Mama does that about recipes or book ideas or if she’s trying to solve a problem that appears to have no solution (or, boy, just let her loose on THAT one–how to drive your friends bonkers) but the idea of photos for an adjective is pretty cool.

I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.

But could you explain something to me (and mama), please.  You’re supposed to put in a hashtag, whatever that is!  There is one up under my entry photo.

I even have a Twitter account but I have NO idea what that means….

Signing off, Loulou the Lackadaisical.


No, I am NOT sleeping with my eyes open.  I am ruminating on what a hashtag is.

Hash is leftover meat and fried potatoes, but tag? Maybe you name your dish something, like goulhash?