Posted by on Jun 6, 2017 | 18 comments


That rodent had better not show his whiskers around HERE!

Now, don’t get me wrong, some rats are pets and so sweet, but the one in the little grandanthros’ garden who attacked BOLT was not a nice one.  Poor little Bolt is at the vet getting fixed as a few of his little toes were injured by the attacker, and evidently there is a disease that comes from a rat bite but turtles are very immune to it.  Thank heaven.

Whoa, what a week!  If anyone has turtle knowledge, please send it.  Not to mention roach infestation SOLUTIONS!  Nothing seems to work for papa’s ex who is beside herself with the hassle of roaches appearing in the morning…just a few, some dead (thanks to poison in the drain pipes), but still….

Aside from that, mama’s sis in law sent her a lovely uplifting (no pun intended) story that will make your heart happy. And we need more of that right now, what with Orlando loonies and the antics of Washington and so on.  Mama looks online sometimes for “good news of the day”, just to reassure herself that there are anthros out there who do and think and feel good things in their lives.

Doesn’t hurt, too, to just gaze out the window at a lovely tree, or a soaring bird, or the piazza in front of where mama and papa are staying.  Always something going on there to smile about.


Gardens are nice to look at, too.

As for me, I smile because they will be back in a couple of weeks and also because the storm is OVER.  It was a doozy.


I’d take that RAT and then I’d…!


Since I’m not there, maybe I could hire some kitty like this one to…er…get the job done!