Posted by on Dec 20, 2017 | 10 comments


Well, sooo…one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and the rest is history…whatever any of that means.  I think I’m getting it. FOUR days until you know who, Mr. Red Suit, Babbo Natale, Kris Kringle, you name him, shows up down our chimneys and makes little anthros squeal all over the world.

Not a bad thing if you’re into that sort of thing…

Meanwhile, mamma and papa just got back from their little grandanthro’s concert in which he played the flute and mama has been humming SKYFALL all evening!  Catchy tune, that’s for sure.  Papa, on the other hand, is whistling Stranger in Paradise.  Not to mention Jingle Bell Rock!  Lordy, lordy, what am I in for until next year?

Mama says that it is funny and charming to watch all these little Italian kids doing their thing so earnestly, plus there were two young singers for SKYFALL who really took the cake!


(SKYFALL flute players)

What cake, I asked mama. There was CAKE???

No silly, they were just really good.

Oh, okay, so, so glad for your fun evening (without me).

I’m outta here for a long four-day snooze, haha.


Okay, okay, you can give me Grandma Ros’s tummy rub first but then, I’M SNOOZIN’.


ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…uh, oh, those darn “sleigh bells” again. Rats!!!