Posted by on Mar 4, 2018 | 16 comments


Cool as a catcumber…

Well, mama’s fava bean stalks (two of them at least) were blown to oblivion last night as the shutters rattled and the windows banged and the wind whistled music through all parts of the house!  Naturally, I simply put my paws up and was completely cool about the whole blow, as things like that rarely bother my composure and complete equanimity about natural disasters.

Oh, yeah?


Hey, it’s hard to be cool all the time, right?


Oh, goodness me, why what was that?  Silent be, it was NOT the cat! With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan (H. M. S. Pinafore)

It was the wind at 140 kilometres per hour wrapping itself around our house ALL NIGHT LONG!

Apart from the fava beans, mama picked up eighteen lemons that had been blown off our tree. Haha, as if we needed more lemons.

And the wind wasn’t even whistling on key!!!  Ha ha ha.

