Posted by on Mar 8, 2018 | 16 comments


Well, you may not think your vet rocks, but my vet is the nicest lady on earth, BOTH vets are, for that matter, but today I had to have my teeth looked at and Mme. Bonhamdine knows my teeth well, so we went to her.  I know that’s a run-on sentence, but what the heck.  I think in run-on sentences and they just come out that way, haha.  The question is: If that sweet lady is going to look at my teeth, her stethoscope seems to be in the wrong place, no?

By the way, the Italian “brave”–bra-veh–is the word, yay or hurrah or hats off, for women but it comes out brave and that works, too!


She rubbed my tummy–what’s not to like?

Now I am NOT saying that male vets do NOT rock, but today is a special day for us females and so today it’s female vet appreciation day around here.  Plus she didn’t pull any teeth, thank cod (thanks to 15 and Meowing for “thank cod”–we love it), and only stuck me with an anti-inflammatory to settle down the redness of my tiny gums.

She actually said that sometimes kitties do better by having tiny teeth at the back taken out if they are inflamed or infected and that the kitty’s gums get healthy and it’s easier to munch.  She also said that if your kitty eats a very little bit and then walks off for awhile and then comes back and repeats this action, his or her teeth are probably bothering him or her.  She took IPhone shots of my teeth so we could look at the progress in a week or so after the shot.

So you see why I LOVE my vet!!!


Plus I get extra papa snuggles after my ordeal…


All I can advise from my experience is to FLOSS EVERY DAY!
