Posted by on Apr 7, 2018 | 10 comments


Well, you see, mama found these things online that, to me, are just fishing poles with weird feathered things attached, and so I thought I would humour her and chase one around a bit so she would think I was EXERCISING, haha.   And after exercise, around here, there is always a little treat/reward, call it what you may–something that tastes GOOD.

So for a few minutes I pretended to think this feather thingy was alive and went through the motions of attempting to tear its throat out.


Took a little break here but…


Now where did that thang go?  Don’t tell me someone is manipulating this fake birdie?


OKAY, two can play this game, so to speak.  I’ll just bat some balls around until whoever it is on the other end of that pole starts playing FAIR!


Aw, fuhgettaboutit!  This “let’s play fishing pole with fake thing to chase” stuff drives me to DRINK!

And mama says I have to watch the Roma soccer team play Florence so I guess I’ll be relegated to my couch to come up with some new decadants positions for taking a snooze…life is tough.