Posted by on Apr 22, 2018 | 16 comments


OH, NO, you never know what will happen in your own garden!  Some lullaby!

Well, mama just put out the crackers (with seeds) for the birdies and there are a GAZILLION little mineaux, plus the tourterelles just out there a peckin’ and a cheepin’ and a poopin’ all over the terrace.  Well, not that last one but they do occasionally leave little ‘calling cards’, haha.

But they are NOTHING like THIS ONE who plunged into MY FOUNTAIN and actually took a %^%#@@^&* BATH.  Right in my drinking water!!!


Mama went right out there and washed out the pool so I could sip later.  Man, that bird was BIG. And he didn’t look like a pigeon at all.  Very yellow beak.  Not that I am an ornithologist or anything (whatever that is) but some other aviary specimen drinking out of my watering hole is FOR THE BIRDS!  And that is no ordinary birdy, that’s for sure! Just look at him rudely washing off his rear feathers in my FOUNTAIN!

Well, I never.

But just to let you know we have fun around here, I disappeared.  Always great chaos on that one.  Mama thought I might have gone out the window in her bathroom but even if I had, I couldn’t go far as I would have to jump a gazillion metres to the ground.

So I hear, “LOULOU, LOULOU, LOULOU” for about half an hour and THEY are in a snit and thinking the worst (whatever that is!) and mama looks under the bed where I am always hanging out and she sees nothing but moves a little storage thingy from IKEA around and it feels sort of heavy but she knows I am not there because she can’t SEE me and so then papa goes under the bed and finds that the storage box was emptied of summer clothes just the other day (by MAMA) and so when I lie in it I am almost touching the bottom and the sides are high so no one would see me if he or she were not looking really closely. And there I was of course, laughing my muzzle off!  Those guys are SOOOOOO funny when they think I have disappeared into thin air!


Next time I’ll hide even better, heh, heh.

So I had a little fun after getting over that CONDOR in my water.  Or maybe it was a PTERODACTYL, or even BIGGER.

But papa looked out at the birdbath and said, “Oh, look, Loulou, that bid bird bathed so long he shrunk!”  And yes, there was a tiny birdie right where he had been.  SOOO funny.
