Posted by on Jun 3, 2018 | 14 comments


Well, shut my muzzle, ahm jest a settin’ here surrounded by night-bloomin’ jasmine and gettin’ a bit drunk on the purfume!  Ah thank there’s gardenia, too, and maybe even a magnolia to be found around this little suthin’ ville…

Oh, sorry, couldn’t hep myself.  Er…help.  Mama just slips into southern talk when she smells jasmine at the beginning of summer, and the next thing you know, mint juleps might turn up at cocktail hour, whatever they are and that is.

Meanwhile, the garden grows, especially our neighbor’s (see below the magic planting of Jean), and he continues to bestow upon us fresh eggs from the cluckers and a lemon almost a half a foot LONG.  Lots of lemonade with that one!


Well, mama does NOT plant like that, that’s for sure!


YES, a lemon!!! Mama says, lemonade??? How about limoncello?

So, I’m taking over from here and becoming the chat guardienne of the garden.  Make that gardenienne, haha.  I’m checking everyone who enters here for a few weeks and they had better keep their hands off MY jasmine and lemons.  Not to mention MY birdbath/fountain.  A nice man is coming to clean it regularly.  Hmmm….maybe he’ll slip a little limoncello into it.  Would certainly give the birdies a buzz, haha.
