Posted by on Jun 10, 2018 | 8 comments


Well, mama has sent me some photos of her day, and I’m passing them on, sort of a travelogue of what THEY are doing without ME!

Probably bemoaning their fate, whatever that means.


A little visit to a once-deserted villa that houses some Etruscan findings from the 6th century B.C.  Mama loves the smiles that seem to be on many Etruscan statues.  A happy people, and very advanced in so many areas.  We like smiles on anyone!


One of the display rooms of the ancient villa Poniatowski, built in the 16th century and restored in the 18th.  Mama said it’s very rundown but so hauntingly beautiful in its fairly ruined state…ferns and plants overrunning the gardens, paths that lead nowhere.  I would have loved exploring it!


Mama was strolling through the streets looking in shops and saw this “dress” outside a new place.  I think you’d have to water that outfit daily, no?


Tourists on those funny two-wheel electric thingies, rolling through the streets.  Not sure mama would do well on those—she recently fell off a BICYCLE!  Okay, okay, mama, I won’t go into that…


No garden in Rome, that’s for sure!  Here’s mama’s gardening soil, just bought from the local hardware store.


And here’s mama, repotting a lovely basil plant that a friend left in their apartment as a ‘hello’.  Not like having a garden, that’s for sure!  And there would be no way I’m using that sack as my…er…resting-in-the-sun place!  Much less that OTHER thing…


Well, I leave you with another smile that mama liked.  It think she and papa are just trying to keep up their spirits WITHOUT ME there to lift them.


Well, mama, you have your Roman pizza and I have my EXTRA kibble and treats.  Hey, home is where the hand-outs are!