Posted by on Jul 4, 2018 | 18 comments


HOT HOT HOT!!!  Well, I certainly do NOT feel like a hot patootie, whatever that is, but I am certainly a hot kitty.

This heat has me down, as you can see, and mama says it’s the same in Rome, almost 90 today and for the rest of the week.

BUT–a great day for barbeque and fireworks, if you happen to be in a place that does that!

HAPPY JULY 4TH TO ALL! May your hot dogs not burn.

Mama is sort of in a state because the little grand-anthro is having his nose set at the hospital, after having received an accidently elbow in the schnoze.

It’s a tiny break but naturally all of the family is worried and waiting for it to be over.

And his 13th birthday is this coming week-end.  Poverino, as they say in Italian, but kids heal quickly, I’m told, so I’m crossing my paws for a quick recovery.  But you know what it’s like when you’re very young and the summer is ahead of you and something happens and you can’t go in water or you can’t go in sun or you can’t see your mates because you have to get well/stay in/change your summer plans/etc etc etc.  Mama remembers moments like that, and they are not easy.

I, on the other hand, just go with the flow and I CERTAINLY am not depressed about not being able to go in the sea!!!

This little Loulou spot on the couch is just fine with me.  Plus, I’ve just found a new, perfect position!

And why aren’t there hot cats if there are hot dogs?
