Posted by on Jul 9, 2018 | 4 comments


Well, I was pretty knocked out by the heat today and so am conveying ONLY that mama sent me pics of the little homeless kitties again, in Largo Argentina, the supposed cat shelter, but when mama goes over to feed them, she says they are HUNGRY.  I just hope someone is taking care of them or that there are enough mice in the ruins for an appetizer!  But no pics of them, here’s why.

Another little glitch with my blog is that readers can’t seem to GET it today!  And besides that, my Photoshop Elements 13 tells me there’s a glitch THERE, TOO.  So I’m having to use old pics off the internet that fortunately I have found and they seem to be of ME. Duh.

Sorry about all of this.  I’m calling mama tomorrow to see if she can pull some strings and get me back on the air.  Whatever I’m on, that is.

I’m just a wee bit miffed about ALL of this, as you can tell…
