Posted by on Jul 14, 2018 | 16 comments

Ha, ha, here is silly  me, attempting to laugh after UNSUCCESSFULLY getting my PICS BACK from that which will not be named but it begins with P!

Alas, I meant to say “dork”around, but papa says that’s not a nice word. But I feel like such a dork, after having made attempt after attempt to get my blog out WITHOUT the photo gallery that I want to USE!!!  I’ve even tried to write my blog on my IPhone…haha, what a laugh that was.

Still, there are some lovely things I’d like you to gaze upon — photos that mama sent me yesterday and that I promised I would TRY to put in today.  Frankly, I don’t know why I am doing THEM any favors at all right now.

Oh, and my Furry Godmother just sent THEM a little morning hello, saying I was basking outside in the sun, happy as a kitty can be.  I’m sure that made THEM sit up and take notice.  I WAS basking, I WAS outside in a sun puddle, I WAS happy as a whatever it is that one is happy as and my little kitty brain had NO thoughts about anything or ANYONE else.

One becomes a bit self-centered when one is kitty-sat with nothing but cuddles and good food and attention from all the neighbors, etc, etc, etc. Need I go on…?

I’m going to dunk my head in the birdbath so it won’t be so swelled—whatever that is.

I decided to cool off in the bushes.  That birdbath needs cleaning…