Posted by on Sep 28, 2018 | 6 comments


Well, you don’t want THESE in your eyes! They are  tummy candy if you ask me.  Those peppers from the little town of Espelette are deelish–not for kitties of course, they’re semi-hot, like cayenne, whatever that is, but not as hot.  But oh, what flavour.  These are from our sweet neighbour of course, Jean Riere, and his wife, Christine says to dry them in the oven or in the sun and then grind them.

But when mama started splitting them open to take out seed, she started sneezing like a crazed sneezing pepper splitter and decided to string them up to dry on their own in the kitchen.  That’s after she got herself under control from the attack.


Then she will grind them up for pizza and other dishes.  The only problem is that mama collected them from Jean in her HAT and so now when she puts on her favourite sun hat, she SNEEZES all over the place.


Duh…a plastic dish would have been better, mama.
