Posted by on Nov 15, 2018 | 4 comments







Well, maybe you noticed, or didn’t, haha, that I forgot to offer my little kitty thoughts yesterday, but frankly, after having some anthro with a beard walk right into our house and pull out a syringe, whatever that is, full of antibiotic and then on top of THAT to have him pull out ANOTHER one full of anti-inflammatory and STICK GUESS WHO, I just wasn’t up to snuff. Whatevr THAT is.

Yes, yes, it was my teeth…

Or rather, IS my teeth.  But you know what—after those needles of whatever they were, I leapt and gamboled about the house like a gay young chamois, as papa’s granny used to recite:

How lightly leaps the gay young chamois, from rock to rock and never misses.  I always feel all cold and clammy when on the edge of precipices.”








Well, you get the picture.

But I’m not cured—mama is stealthily following me around the house with a big, pink pill in her fingers.  She thinks I don’t know what that is, haha. But getting it down my gullet is going to take some conniving, you can bet your paws.

10-day course, indeed.

As they say here in Rome, “in bocca al lupo”—“in the mouth of the wolf”, which means “good luck with that”.

Hey better his mouth than MINE!