Posted by on Nov 21, 2018 | 29 comments







So who’s the smart cookie around here, eh?

Image result for free image of pink pill

Well, I have fooled mama, haha, about a gazillion times since that big anthro VET came here and told her to give me some pink pills (the second one from the top left) for 10 days! HAH.  Here is what she has tried, to FOOL me into taking that HUGE round thingy:

1. Crushed and mixed with raw steak. Negative.

2. Crushed and mixed with cooked steak. Negative.

3. Crushed and mixed with favorite wet food. Negative.

4. Chopped in little pieces and wrapped in cheese. Negative.

5. Chopped in little pieces and mixed with Malt Paste.  Sort of, but only 1/4 of pill and didn’t work the next 3/4 times, haha.

6. Crushed into yogurt. Negative. And ice cream. Negative.

6. Asking politely, “Loulou, would you PLEASE TAKE YOUR ANTIBIOTIC AND LET’S GET THIS OVER WITH?”

7. A last ditch–BUTTER on paws with crushed pill mixed in! Negative, but butter on bedspread.

What worked:


Well, that’s my news for the day.  And frankly, after that guy stuck me TWICE with anti-this and anti-that, I was a changed filly! Er…feline.  But he said my troubles would come back if I didn’t have a proper cleaning=anesthetic=mama-in-a-snit=worry all around including papa=what if we DIDN’T have a cleaning=anyone’s opinion is welcome.

And I thought my body was my temple!