Posted by on Dec 28, 2018 | 13 comments







Well, you know MY choice.  But do I really HAVE any?

I’m on this ship and curled up in my private closet and it’s dark and warm and that’s about as good as it gets.  I don’t really get much to eat because…well…you can guess why.

You never know when the waves are going to decide to act up, right?  And why are they called ‘waves’ anywave, haha.

None of them is waving at ME, for example, and I don’t see them waving at anyone else either.

Anthro language is weird.

But then, why is the sea called the sea.  I don’t sea it sea-ing anything, haha.

Okay, enough is enough.  Back to the contemplation of life in my closet.  One can think VERY deep thoughts in a nice quiet closet whilst being rocked gently by the waves.

Let’s just hope they stay PUT.  

Do you feel the deep thoughts I am thinking?