Posted by on Jan 1, 2019 | 20 comments







I am BUSHED after that shindig!

Well, these two strange people I live with managed to pull off a rather nice get-together with friends in our little village mostly because mama had two huge stashes of black-eyed peas in the freezer and that’s the heart of the party for Texans.  Good fortune for all in 2019.  We hope.  We certainly ate enough peas!

In fact you could bet your booties that most of Texas was eating black-eyed peas and corn bread today!  We sort of augmented that pot with little pieces of sausage and mama had found some confit of duck that she had made and frozen, so she tossed that in, too.  Hey, that’s the way the kitchen works around here…full of surprises.

As for me, I stayed put until a few stragglers were saying au revoir and then I was ready for my paté, haha.

But today I want to share my resolutions to be a better kitty, love my neighbors as myself (hmmm…even that big kitty who tries to get in MY garden every now and then?) and to come in at night when mama calls me (hint: treats help, mama), and should the anthros in this house not go along with these very well-meaning suggestions to myself for self-improvement, THEN the revolution begins!

Hey, are you guys listening?