Posted by on Jan 3, 2019 | 20 comments







I lift up my paws when those awful worms are near ME!

Well, mama LOVES nasties, as her good friend used to call them, but not because they were nasty, but because it’s a cute name and mama’s friend loved them, too.  Mama doesn’t even have to plant them any longer because they re-seed themselves each year and make a lovely background green for the rest of the plants.  Plus the flowers are really tasty in salads and the leaves can be used as little ‘plates’ for say, a scallop mousse or any little custard or vegetable terrine that come out of a mold.


I’m for the mousse myself…

BUT–horreur of horrors! Mama saw that the leaves were being munched by something and knew immediately that an infestation of chenilles was about to happen–tiny little green stripy worms that travel in packs across our sidewalks, stretched out in a chain, head to tail, so to speak, and threaten our lovely pine trees and plants here in the village, and bite unsuspecting curious touchers!

They really are insidious and must never be messed with!

So mama is out there cutting them in half with scissors.  Didn’t know she had that wild side to her, did you?

Those guys don’t know what hit them, but they don’t come back easily.  Uh, oh, maybe they are the kind that turn into TWO worms when you cut them in half!!!  OH, NO…


Haha, just kidding, because when mama snips them, they are definitely chenilles coupées mortes, haha.

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