Posted by on Jan 27, 2019 | 17 comments










Do I smell brown sugar…? Whatever that is.

Well, that’s a phrase that papa’s mama (my grandmere) originated, which we have adopted into our house language, and if ever there were tempty baits in this house, it is TODAY.

Mama made a tarte tatin, all caramelized around the edges and just waiting to be turned upside down on the serving plate, and although I am not a very serious apple eater, I can see myself licking that apple caramel off of mama’s fingers and quite easily becoming a convert!  Hey, an apple a day, right?  Whatever that means.

Then mama had to go and make fresh scallop mousses (!) with just a hint of tangerine zest, which she turned out on the huge nasturtium leaves that burst out splendidly in our winter garden.  I mentioned in another blog that the leaves of nasturtiums have subtle hint of capers, which gives the little mousses, meeses? a lovely fresh taste along with the fresh coriander beurre blanc that she spoons over each.  Drool, drool, I think I should get off the couch…

So, as you can see, these cooking smells are driving me bananas.  Which reminds me, I’m waiting for my new ‘Nana in the mail and maybe that will take my mind off of these buttery, sugary, cinnamony odors wafting through MY house.

I wonder if mama could make a mouse mousse for me?  Are they in the frozen section in supermarkets?

Hmmm…may be time for a little winter hunt, haha.

Is this a hunt pose or WHAT?