Posted by on Apr 19, 2019 | 20 comments

I can’t believe mama was so dumb.

Well, mama is feeling like a dodo.

She just put my blog APP on her iPHONE!!! Duh.

That means that IF it’s on her iPhone now (OUR IPhone, that is), mama will be able to snap pics out in the world and put them immediately into my blog!


So has she just been asleep at the switch or what?  Don’t answer that.  Mama had no idea that she’d be helping me with my blog on her PHONE!  Don’t all of these machines get confusing sometimes to you? Phone, iPad, computer, etc.

Thank heaven, mama says, that she doesn’t have to program her food processor or microwave or electric toothbrush to comply with WordPress, haha.

Well, the next blogs will be the proof 0f the pudding, whatever that mean.

Make that chocolate pudding, mama, okay?

So I’m publishing this from mama’s iPhone and let’s see what happens. I’m holding my breath…


I hope not for long!