Posted by on Apr 23, 2019 | 18 comments







(You mean I have to leave MY bed?)

No, no, not the nice doctor who FIXED mama. Mama’s knee jerk!

(I wish she would not use that word around me, really–so rude!)

BUT mama did call her doc and he was not in so she went to his partner next door and had, literally, about 24 cl of fluid taken out of her gonflated knee (slang in our house for swollen, pumped up, inflated, etc. from the Italian gonfiare) and let us not go into mama yelling OUCH really loudly at a certain point (no pun intended) and squeezing papa’s hand to a pulp.

SO…that’s that. Now comes the 20 tomato plants being put in their beds for spring and WE (I hate that I have to use that word but what the heck) leave tomorrow and our lovely friends who go in and out will be here.

Boy, will they be sad without me, sigh.  Maybe I’ll put my portrait somewhere where they can bond with it.







Do you ever think when your friend ask, So what’s new? that you WISH there were something you could say, as in Ah, I forgot to tell you, I was in the garden this morning and something black and slippery came out the ground and now there is what is called a Cricket in the back yard!  Or OH, YES, I just won the lottery–drinks for all on me!  Or, you know what I think my memory has come back exactly as it was when I was 30!

Does that ever happen to you?

Well, around here, the only thing new is that tomorrow THEY put some drops between my ears (unless I catch them sneaking up) and I zonk out for a few hours and hope not to lose my breakfast in the car, haha.

Just kidding. Papa drives really well and stays in the speed limit, whatever that is, and if he goes ONE kilometer over the limit, I MMMMEEEEOOOOOWWW.  So he slows down 1 km and I’m fine.  Weird, huh?

But no one has ever said we are normal around here, haha.

Off to pack my ‘nana and my Mya mouse as I think they work better than drugs.  Nip, nibbles, and naps, haha.