Posted by on Jun 6, 2019 | 12 comments










Well, it finally did.  Bust out, that is.

HOT weather and sun puddles and warm breezes, venticello in Italian, isn’t that pretty? Little winds.  Sometimes I wonder if kitty-speak has some cool words in it that describe the world around us or what we kitties are feeling.  Hmmm…there is always kitty-chuckle and kitty-chirp and muzzle-myow and tongue-tittering and canary-cacacaca, things like, that but I’m not sure anthros understand completely our special language.

Maybe for a soft little wind we might say, “Ummmmmmyowcacacaahhhhhh, meaning “that feels really good on my fur.

Or something like that.

I do know that I say, when stretching, “aeeeeee” in a really high voice and mama thinks it might be one of my back legs but it’s not…it’s just my loooooong stretch

I think I’d better go sit in the window and feel the little sweet wafting of a real beginning of summer.

At least I THINK it is…does it snow in June?








Come think of it…I”d better start my yoga so I can get in my bikini.