Oh, that is BAAAAD.
I was only searching for a pun about okra, so forgive me! But you do win free with this recipe!
Mama found some lovely fresh okra (whatever THAT is) at a Chinese food market and cut it into little bites, mixed it with 1 egg (beaten) and then tossed all of it with corn meal, salt, pepper and paprika. She sautéed it in olive oil until it was crisp all over…I cannot report because I only licked one tiny bit and that was IT!
Hey, mama’s from Texas, not ME!
Still, if she gets into her catfish mode, I’ll be right there, ready to be the Sue chef, haha. Get it, Sue? Okay, okay, I’m taking a break from pun land…
But do try this out if you can. Or, so many of you are from the south, you have probably grown up with fried okra, no? Or okra and tomatoes, mama asks?
Or okra in gumbo? OKAY, OKAY, I’ll STOP! I’m salivating all over my fur anyway…
Dad is not really big on Okra but what you like is what you like and we would like some cat fish too
You have to taste it the way mama does it. Small slices, coated with egg and dipped in cornmeal. NUM
Yum that looks delicious, Loulou!
Crunchy, crispy, and yes, they do taste great and are NOT slimy.
Voici ce que dit Wikipedia :
“Le gombo, appelé lalo à l’île de La Réunion et à l’île Maurice, calou en Guyane, calalou en Haïti ou okra en Louisiane[1] et plus généralement dans le sud des États-Unis, est une espèce de plante tropicale à fleurs originaire d’Afrique, proche de l’hibiscus, appartenant à la famille des Malvaceae.
Son fruit est une capsule de forme pyramidale récoltée verte et employée comme légume et comme condiment. Sa section transversale montre cinq carpelles qui forment un pentagone régulier. Sa peau est couverte de soies duveteuses.”
WOW. WHAT A HISTORY!!! Don nous mangeon un legume tres important! Mama les adore!
oooooh – fried okra was mama’s FAVORITE food growing up!! And hr Aunt Iris made the best – it was like this, except she added garlic and hot peppers and it was always super-crunchy! I’ve never tasted it – but with the Asian and Indian supermarkets here, maybe we’ll do a search! But no fancy cooking today – mama varnished paintings last ight and the dining table is covered!!
SEND PICS!!!! For mama’s collection as PR person….
I have only tried okra once and did not like it.
Someone may not have cooked it correctly…lots of converts when it is sautéed crisp.
I lived in Texas nearly 10 years…love fried okra! (Not real fond of it in its slimy boiled state, though.)
Good with tomatoes though, and a little garlic added.
Good play on words title. Hope your mama enjoys her okra.
Mama helps me grab at straws for puns, though. I’m still trying to find one for ‘oka’…Okra, Fran and Ollie?
Yes ! Gumbo ! LouLou, I bet you would have a fun time with all those crayfish !
Drool, drool.
Looks very yummy and easy to do. We are always looking for something delicious and new to try out. We know that if there is catfish around. That all kitties deserve a taste. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
More drool. Drool.