Posted by on Oct 15, 2019 | 18 comments







Innocently minding my own business, as you can see!

Well, we have this tree, called a Strawberry Tree in English,  but called an arbousier in French.Image result for arbousier strawberry tree image

It is quite lovely and shades our outdoor  table and hides us from the neighbors, but, BUT…

In flowering season, it drops millions and millions of tiny little white buds all over the patio and mama is forever sweeping them up.  Mama says they ought to be strung like little white beads (see small white ball in bottom of print) into an organic necklace, haha.

But here’s the thing.  I was, as usual, minding my own business on the patio, enjoying the warmth of sunlit tiles when mama starting sweeping like a madwomananthro and almost swept me off onto the  gravel! I’m sure it was with premeditated and malicious aforethought, whatever that is, and I was just lucky to avoid that broom and not be MAIMED!







I was knocked right over on my noggin, whatever that is.  (Well, not really, but it sounds good and the photo fit, haha…)

You have to be on your paws all  the  time around here.